Seeing his son like this, Joe Tianchang knew that his son must have peed.

I picked up the baby and put it on the small bed beside me. I took the water and wiped it for him. Then I changed the diaper for the baby.

The child yawned again and fell asleep.

Pull the side of the quilt to cover the child: "this little thing is really eating and sleeping, sleeping and eating."

"How old is he? He must like sleeping." Ning Mengyao said not very angry.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and shook his head: "I'll go to dinner and come back later."

"All right."

Yufeng took meiruolin back to the room with a cold face, and then brought hot water. Without a word, meiruolin's clothes were all taken off. He took the veil and carefully touched it with water to scrub it. For a while, the basin was full of blood stained water.

Seeing this scene, the back teeth of Yu Fengqi are itchy, like biting the little woman in front of them.

Mei Ruolin lowered his head and said in a low voice, "you can't be angry with the wind, OK? I... "

"Why did you run to the back mountain? As soon as you get to the mountains, you can't find your way. " Yu Feng asked as she washed the wound.

"You left in the afternoon, but you haven't come back in the evening. I'm afraid you won't come back when you leave." Meiruolin said in a low voice that the final sound was like the size of a mosquito.

Yu Feng's hand moves and looks at Mei Ruolin: "do you care?"

"Well, I don't care if I don't run to the mountains to find you. When you didn't go, I thought I was going to die with Qingxuan. At that time, I was thinking about you. Suddenly, I didn't want to die. I wanted to go with you all my life." Meiruolin looked at Yufeng and said earnestly.

Yu Feng was silent for a moment, reaching out and rubbing Mei Ruolin's head: "silly girl, it's my fault. If I didn't leave without a word, you wouldn't run out."

Mei Ruolin shook his head: "I know that you are good to me these years, and my own problems. Yao'er is right. We have been married for ten years, and you have been paying all the time. I have never done anything for you. I am afraid that one day, you will be disappointed, sad and leave me as Yao'er said."

Yu Feng looked at Mei Ruolin and said, "I thought about it, but I didn't want to. I waited so many years. Why didn't I wait?"

He is not bad at resisting the wind. What kind of woman can't be found if he wants to have appearance and identity? How can I find such a heartless woman?

"Then I thought, no matter what, I must waste it with you. If I leave you, how will you live?" Meiruolin's ability is not weak, but he has spoiled her all these years. He devoted himself to many things. She didn't know it at all.

Mei Ruolin looked at Yu Feng and said, "you don't want to get rid of me. I want to keep pestering you."

Yufeng sighed, but said, "since we know it, we can't get rid of it." This burden has been carried for more than ten years. How could it be so easy to get rid of?

Meiruolin suddenly put his hand around the neck of Yufeng, and the whole man leaned on his arms: "I'm sorry."

"Well, my ancestors, you have to throw yourself in the arms and arms and wait for the injury to be healed. Aren't you hurting me now? Sit well. The wound hasn't been treated. " Yu Feng hurriedly pushes people away. The woman is only wearing a bellybag and trousers now, and nothing else. Isn't that asking for his life?

But he was very happy because she was finally willing to respond to her feelings.

"You old rascal."

Yu Feng raised his eyebrows and looked at Mei Ruolin's ruddy cheeks. "I'll show you if I'm really old when you're well."

Meiruolin suddenly silent, in Yufeng doubt, she suddenly looked up at Yufeng, expression serious and serious: "Yufeng, we also want a child."

Yu Feng shakes his hand, and the handkerchief falls into the basin: "you What did you just say? "

"I said we want a child."

"Is that what you really want, or is it because of me?"

Mei Ruolin sipped her lips and looked at Yu Feng: "I want to, too. I saw Yao'er's children. I don't think they are so terrible."