As expected, after hearing the three words of Yang Lele, Lei An was honest and quickly promised: "don't worry, boss, I know."

"You don't want to reassure me, but to reassure Yang Lele. You're not alone. If you still don't look forward to what you've done before, don't delay others."

Qiao Tianchang may have said something serious, but it's true.

Lei'an is one of those reckless people. Sometimes he makes a decision that nine cows can't be pulled back. Now he wants to get married. If it's the same as when he was alone, he still doesn't want to get married. Yang Lele is sad about what happened when he saved.

Ryan lowered his head and remained silent. Qiao Tianchang sighed, "don't you understand the matter between Yu Feng and Mei Ruolin this time?"

"Boss, I know what to do." Ryan also had some ideas because of Joe Tianchang's words.

He is right. He is about to get married. Naturally, he should be responsible for others. If he can't do it, why should he make others sad.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "just know."

This matter passed quickly, and Joe Tianchang didn't have so much time to deal with them, because his son was about to have a full moon.

Other people also came back one by one. Except for Nanqi, there was a strange old man who didn't come back in miaojiang, but also sent some funny ones back.

Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tianchang holding a child. It seems that it's against him.

"Tianchang, I never thought you were so A day of good wife and good mother. " Isn't that a good wife and a good mother?

The general who took the broadsword on the battlefield now takes his children with him at home. He not only holds them, but also bathes them and changes their diapers.

If someone had told him before, he would have thought he was crazy, but now the real situation is in front of him.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Xiao Qifeng and doesn't answer, but looks at his son: "your uncle is envious and jealous, we don't answer him."

The little guy's big eyes were rolling. He seemed to know that the person who was talking to him in front of him was his father, so he gave Joe Tianchang a shameless smile.

Big eyes curved, small mouth open, showing the pink gums, two small fists also a grasp, don't mention how cute.

"Xiao Qifeng suddenly envied:" I seem to take your son back

Joe Tianchang raised his eyebrows: "do you want to be beaten?" Dare to rob his son, do you want to smoke?

Xiao Qifeng looks at Qiao Tian's Qiao Mo Shang in Changhuai and sighs, "when can I have such a lovely son?"

"Wait slowly." Qiao Tianchang snorted proudly.

Xiao Qifeng's harem is not without women. As for why he doesn't even have a child now, it's because he doesn't want those women to have children.

"It's up to you." Among them, Joe Tianchang is the only one who has children. Naturally, he can only be satisfied.

Qiao Tianchang smiled at Xiao Qifeng: "you can envy."

Other people watched Xiao Qifeng and Qiao Tianchang play sharp, with a strong smile in their eyes.

It seems that the emperor is not so superior here. Frankly speaking, he is just an ordinary person, and there is nothing noble.

Ningmengyao is listening to the outside voice in her room. She is so depressed. Why didn't anyone chat with her? They all went out.

Joe Tianchang looked down at his son and saw that he was smashing his mouth. His eyes were also closed, which was totally different from the sparkle just now.

Just holding the child to stand up, Xiao Qifeng asked strangely, "Why are you going?"

"The child is hungry and sleepy." Qiao Tianchang said as he walked toward the room.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang in astonishment, turned his head to look at the Nangong Yan beside them: "Tianchang has always been like this?"

Xiao Qitian nodded: "this period of time is Tianchang with children. In Mengyao's words, that's a child slave."

Xiao Qifeng nodded: "that's right.

"There's another way of saying that's daddy." Meiruolin sits beside Yufeng to mend the sword.

Daddy? What'd you mean by that?

"A father is a common name for a man with children."