Xiao Qifeng's mouth was slightly drawn, and his hand was unable to hold his forehead. Their general was then gone.

If those who have been on the battlefield can see this, can't they die of laughter?

Qiao Tianchang holds the child to enter the room and sees Ning Mengyao looking at herself plaintively: "what's the matter?"

"I'm so bored alone." He was not allowed to read books, read account books, make clothes and shoes. He was not allowed to do anything. He often went out to entertain guests.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head: "there are still two days to go out, bear it."

"All right." Ningmengyao really wants to make trouble, but every time she sees Qiao Tianchang like that, she can't make trouble.

Two days passed quickly. Ning Mengyao comforted herself in her heart.

"The child is hungry and a little sleepy." Qiao Tianchang put the child in Ning Mengyao's arms and whispered.

"You go out with Xiao Qifeng, just have a child with me." Seeing the child, Ning Mengyao kicks Qiao Tianchang.

"You don't want me if you have children." Said the punishment like bow in Ning Mengyao that round cheek bit.

Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao feeding the baby and gets up to go out.

Xiao Qifeng looked at him and said, "I thought you were going to stay inside."

"Today is because you are here, so he came out." Nangong Yan took a sip of tea and explained later.

Xiao Qifeng looked at Qiao Tianchang dryly: "should I feel honored?"

"It's not impossible if you want to think that way." Qiao Tianchang's cheek is not as thick as usual.

Xiao Qifeng is speechless. He found out that this man has a child, and his skin is really thicker.

Two days passed quickly. On the day of the children's full moon feast, others invited the villagers without invitation.

In the morning, people from the village came to help in the early morning. Those who didn't go into the villa came in and saw that it was so good. They didn't know where to put them.

At this time, Yang Lele looked at the woman wearing plain white clothes and white cloth flowers in front of her, her eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and her expression was very ugly: "Mom, today is the day of the full moon for little Moll. Cousin came here in a filial dress, and she would like to go to the full moon banquet with us. What do you mean?" Not only is Yang Lele dissatisfied, but also Yang Zhu and Yang Yi's couple frown together.

Yang's heart is also a little missing. This is the niece of his mother's family. My husband was chased back by his mother-in-law just a year after he left. I didn't know what happened yesterday. Suddenly, I came here. Today I heard that they were going to the full moon banquet, so I asked them to go together.

You say go, you still wear this kind of clothes, people do wedding at home, you wear a white clothes, this is a curse people?

"Cousin still don't go." Yang Yi opens his mouth.

"Yes." Yang Zhu nodded in agreement.

You need to know that there are many noble people in that villa, and the grandfather of the child is also there. It's not the same identity. If you collide with the noble people, it's not good.

Yang Suyun's thin body swayed and his face was lonely: "Auntie, I I won't go. "

"Well, then stay at home." Yang relieved, and she didn't want to take people with her.

"Niang, let's go and help the Yao Yao family earlier." Yang Lele stares at Yang Suyun. Who can see the pathetic look.

"Let's go, my husband." Qiao took Yang Yi's hand and said with a smile.

Today, ningmengyao is wearing a red waist long skirt embroidered with beautiful flowers.

Qiao Tianchang, dressed in a dark red robe, was entertaining guests with Ning Mengyao.

Yang Lele went in and took out his gift: "Yao Yao congratulations."

"It's good that people come here. Why do you bring something with you?" Ning Mengyao helplessly looks at Yang Lele and says funny.

"I'm little Moore's aunt. What's wrong with giving some presents?" Yang Lele stares at Ning Mengyao discontentedly: "I'm giving it to the children, not to you."

"Well, I'm going to fall out of favor."