Yang's face was filled with blessings. He was relieved. Fortunately, he didn't let anyone come. Otherwise, he would have beaten others' faces?

Yang Zhu also thought of it in his heart. At the same time, he whispered in Yang's ear, "fortunately, no one came here."

But they have seen the grandfather of the child. They don't have a smile on their face. Today, they smile all the time. They hold the child in their arms. If someone goes up to give blessings, he will be more happy. If Yang Suyun really comes today, it will be a big trouble.

Yang Lele spoke with Ning Mengyao for a while, and led Yang Yichao up: "I didn't let anyone come because of the loss of Ge Xin."

"Who says no?" Yang Yi also frowns. What their uncle means is that he understands that he just wants them to find something for Yang Suyun to do here, but she doesn't do it, does she? Knowing that you're still filial, and that you're running around when someone else's family is having a wedding, it's a bit boring.

What they didn't know about Yang Lele was that after they left, Yang Suyun secretly followed them and came to the outside of Zhuangzi. Seeing everything inside from the door, he was completely attracted. He covered his chest with his hand and pressed the heart that was pounding.

Although the man she married before had a good family, Yang Suyun felt that what she thought was good and rich after seeing everything in front of her was a joke.

She doesn't know how big this Chuang Tzu is, but it must be very big from here.

Originally, I could go in, but it was because of Yang Lele, but I couldn't go. If I was taken care of by this family

Even if you can't be a wife, you will be a wife.

Thinking of this, Yang Suyun tidied up his clothes and walked in with a proper smile.

Yang Lele, who is talking to the unmarried girl in the same village, turns around and sees Yang Suyun coming in with a smile on his face. Where else did it look like yesterday?

"I'll go to my mother first. You can talk."

Yang Lele went to find Yang's family: "Niang, Yang Suyun has come by himself."

As soon as Yang heard it, he felt bad. As soon as he went out, he saw that Yang Suyun, who looks like a peach blossom, approached Qiao Tianchang and completely forgot Ning Mengyao.

People were already in high spirits. Who knew that a woman in filial piety suddenly came.

Nangong Yan's face was immediately cold.

Once Yang saw it, he knew it was over.

"Yao'er is holding Mo Shang. I'd like to see who will come to my grandson's full moon banquet to look for bad luck." What's the meaning of wearing filial piety on a happy day?

Qiao Tianchang's eyebrows also wrinkled. Although he didn't believe the gods and ghosts, it was at his son's full moon feast. It was strange that his face could get better.

Yang Zhu and Yang yitieqing face each other, and go to Nangong Yan and Qiao Tianchang: "Tianchang, and this gentleman, I'm sorry, these are our family's unwise relatives."

"What do you mean, uncle? Even if you don't let me come, you still say that when I come. " Yang Suyun looks at Qiao Tianchang wrongly. It seems that he wants him to be fair.

Xiao Qitian and they were very angry, but when they saw this, they immediately wanted to laugh. Didn't this woman see that Tianchang's face was as black as the bottom of the pot?

Unexpectedly, she even got together. Even if she got together, she even seduced Tianchang.

Yang's face was red with anger: "Yang Suyun, you are still filial. What are you doing today? Who are you looking for

At this time, Yang Suyun found that the people around were very ugly, especially those who were not rich or expensive, especially in front of him.

"I I... "

"What are you? We all said not to let you come. What do you mean to come secretly? Yang Suyun, you are too much. Get out of here. " Yang Lele's face was white.

In other people's full moon banquet wear filial piety, this is in the end cursing the family elders, or cursing children?