"There are so many things in the world that you can't think about. Wouldn't you feel tired if you had to think through everything?" Mei Ruolin looked at Yang Lele funny and raised her hand and knocked her head.

Yang Lele put out his hand to cover his head and looked at Mei Ruolin wrongly: "why hit me?"

"You fool."

"Little girl, you are right to listen to us. There is no need to go deep into some matters." Yu Feng leaned on the chair and looked at the three women on the side, saying casually.

Many people will change because of life, some people will run around because of life, once all the water chestnut will be polished, some people will lose the water chestnut, some people will be more smooth, but go further.

And Yang Suyun is the kind of person, the kind who has no self without water chestnut.

Yang Lele nodded, "I know." All the people here have more experience than her. Naturally, what she said can be more convincing, and she also needs to listen to it.

Yang Lele sat beside ningmengyao, looked at ningmengyao and meiruolin: "I think I'll let Lei An take me out and walk around in the future."

"This one will do." Ningmengyao nodded, who said that women must shrink at home as housewives, all day long with these things.

Yang Lele held his chin in both hands and looked at the man beside him: "what's the best place?"

Mei Ruolin looked at Yang Lele funny: "you haven't married yet, so you want to run out? If you want to run outside, you should understand your country clearly first. "

Yang Lele felt his nose embarrassed and smiled with a charming smile, which made Mei Ruolin tut.

"Why don't you go and see what happened to your house?" Ningmengyao suddenly thought of this.

"It's almost there." Yang Lele is also interested in this nature. After all, he will live in it later.

Ning Mengyao looked at Yang Lele with a smile: "Oh, I still want to remind you, who knows that people don't need me to remind at all."

"You I... I won't tell you. Can't I go home? " Then he stood up and ran away, blushing.

Ning Mengyao chuckled: "it's easy to be shy."

"Aren't you?" Mei Ruolin looks at Ning Mengyao with a smile in her eyes.

Ningmengyao calmly looked back: "when did you see that I was shy like Lele?"

Mei Ruolin and her family think carefully. It seems that they really don't have one. At the beginning, Ning Mengyao started to do business with others to support herself. At last, she can't remember how she got familiar with it.

I remember that no matter what happened to her, it was an expression. The bigger it was, the calmer she became.

Tongbaozhai she took over now, not really smooth sailing, but there are many big and small things born.

Every time things come out, she appears and writes a series of plans to make the people in it busy. When they are finished, she doesn't know where to go.

In the first year she took over, she ran all over the world, just to see the cultural differences of different countries and see what kind of things can be used in those places.

In that year, they could say that unless something important happened, they couldn't find anyone at all. Every time they found a place to go, there was no sign of anyone.

"I'm really curious about Xiaoyao. How could you carry such a huge responsibility when you were such a small one?" Yu Feng thought of this and asked.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and said earnestly, "the potential of human beings is infinite."

White Ning Mengyao a look, Yufeng know that this girl said is not true.

Yu Feng leaned on the chair and looked at Ning Mengyao like that. He was curious: "I said Xiaoyao, are you going to stay here now?"

"Well, it's good here now." Ning Mengyao nods, and has children. Can she still run around like before?

Yu Feng took a look at the villa and said, "it's a good one."

"That's more to say."