This is her design. Qiao Tianchang is perfect. Can't Chuang Tzu build it well?

Yu Feng joked and smiled: "I think it's Qiao Tianchang's surprise for you, you will like it?"

"Just know." Ningmengyao did not feel embarrassed, but nodded naturally.

Why should her husband be embarrassed? I'm sorry with my husband. That's hypocrisy.

Yu Feng rubbed his arm: "are you sour or not?"

Ningmengyao squints at Yufeng, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. Seeing that smile, Yufeng suddenly sits up straight and looks at ningmengyao warily: "what do you want to do?"

"I remember you..."

"Stop it, auntie." Yu Feng, one of them, came to Ning Mengyao's side, reached out to cover her mouth and begged.

Qiao Tianchang's face turned black and came to their side. He reached out and pulled down the hand on Ning Mengyao's face.

"Stay away from my daughter-in-law. Don't move your feet." After that, he took a pad to wipe Ning Mengyao's face, which seemed to be very repugnant.

"Who do you dislike?" he said

Qiao Tianchang reached for a yawn and said leisurely, "what do you say?"

"Call." Say to Joe Tianchang to start.

Qiao Tianchang didn't hide, just reached for the wrist to resist the wind, and moved people to the side.

Ning Mengyao looks at Mei Ruolin on the edge: "sister Mei, who do you think will win?" Ning Mengyao asked with great interest.

Meiruolin looked at the two men and said, "draw."

Ningmengyao was stunned, then she smiled and looked at the edge of her mouth. The corners of her mouth were slightly raised. It could be a draw.

Joe Tianchang squinted at the people in front of him, and his eyes were full of disgust: "it's not interesting. It's better to play with my son." Finish saying a force, will resist the wind to press on the ground, then push a person, walk to Ning Mengyao side to sit down.

"Why don't you give your brother-in-law face?"

"He has a thick skin." Qiao Tianchang waves his hands with indifference.

Cheeky Thick... Cheeky three words in Yufeng brain keep circling, finally Yufeng fierce stand up: "Joe Tianchang you stinky boy, find fight."

Qiao Tianchang despised Yu Feng and said: "you beat me?"

Yufeng is very young. But his martial arts are really good. I'm afraid no one can deal with him except Muchen. I just don't want to pay attention to Muchen.

Xiao Qitian, who watched the opera, pretended: "Tianchang is the experience accumulated in the battlefield."

What Qiao Tianchang learned were all the moves of killing people. How could the wind control be better than that.

"Don't think I didn't know you were gloating," said Yu Fengyan

Xiao Qitian pointed out his eyes and said, "look, did I smile?"

After laughing for a while, Xiao Qitian looked at Ning Mengyao with bright eyes. "Yaoyao store has been open for two months. Do you know how many more stores there are?" Speaking of this, Xiao Qitian's eyes called Liang.

"At least ten." Ning Mengyao gave a conservative number.

Xiao Qitian laughed and said, "thirteen."

Ningmengyao picked up her eyebrows: "that's good."

Muchen suddenly looked at Ning Mengyao and said, "Yao Yao, we are going to open a house."

"Yes, I will ask someone to tell you how to do it." They are kind of like building pipes.

She is the main road here, Xiao Qitian is the branch, while others are the small branch above the branch.

"This sales method is not perfect. I will improve the reward system in the future." Ning Mengyao said with a smile.

This is not only a way of joining, but also a way of direct selling.

When Xiao Qitian and Muchen heard about it, they immediately became interested: "let's talk about it?"

"It is to divide all the people who open a shop into several levels, just like I am the first level, Qi Tian is the second, and you are the third." Ning Mengyao opens to explain to them.

Some people still didn't understand. Situ Xuan looked at Ning Mengyao vaguely, "what does that mean?"