Then he took Yang Lele's advice again, saying those words, which made Yang Lele's heart sour, his eyes were full of tears.

"Mom, I know. Don't worry. We're close. I'll come back to see you often later." She and Ryan are the only ones over there. It's just a few steps to get back.

Yang looked at her funny and put out his hand to tidy up her clothes: "silly girl, where can I go to my mother's house often when I get married? Although there is no one else in lei'an's family, don't be willful when you are married from your husband, do you know? "

"Mother, I know."

What else did Yang want to say? He heard the voice from outside. But he could only cover Yang Lele and send him out.

Looking at her daughter on the sedan chair, carrying her dowry to leave, the ground is left with firecracker debris, see Yang's some sad.

Ning Mengyao walked over and patted Yang's shoulder. He smiled and said, "aunt Yang Lele is sure to live a good life."

"I know. It's just that I'm sad that my daughter, who was raised as a child, got married like that." Yang said that he wiped his eyes.

Ningmengyao some don't know how to comfort Yang, but Yang first slow down: "Auntie is OK, go to lei'an for dinner."

Yang Suyun's parents went to lei'an's house together. She wanted to see what kind of family Yang Lele married.

Originally, she heard that she was an orphan. She thought that the family conditions must be not good at all. Yang Lele had to endure hardship when she married.

But when she saw the magnificent house, the whole person was stupid there.

Yang Lele's married man also has the ability. Yang Suyun's teeth are clenched and she is even more angry when she looks at the magnificent Chuang Tzu beside her.

Cheng Shi has been watching Yang Suyun see her face is very ugly, as if to be angry, hurriedly went to reach for the hand by people pull, expression is not good-looking: "Suyun you are not comfortable? Go there and have a rest. " This attitude is a little too tough, let Yang suyunlian refute the opportunity to be dragged aside by Cheng.

Old Yang snorts coldly. If Yang Suyun makes trouble at his granddaughter's wedding, he must punish her severely.

Without Yang Suyun thinking of making trouble, the wedding was very smooth. After worshiping the hall, Yang Lele was sent to the chamber.

Sitting in the cave, Yang Lele was bored to death. The door was pushed open from the outside, and Ning Mengyao came in with some food.

"Well, Ryan asked me to prepare food for you. I'm afraid you're hungry." Ning Mengyao jokingly said.

Yang Lele is very sorry, cheeks red, very sorry.

"Yao Yao."

"Well, don't be shy. What's the red face like? Eat fast. " Ning Mengyao put the food aside.

Yang Lele sat at the table and ate with chopsticks: "I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten since I got up in the morning."

"Then eat more." Ning Mengyao looks at her with a smile, and takes out a stack of silver tickets from her sleeves. At least ten of them are: "these are from sister Mei. They say they let you keep them."

"I see." Yang Lele is not hypocritical either. She accepts the silver tickets. She knows that it is Mei Ruolin's intention.

As soon as Yang Lele collected the silver note, Yang Suyun came in from the outside. When he entered the room, he saw the furnishings inside, frowned, and then stretched out: "my cousin congratulated you. I really married a good family. I don't worry about food or clothes." The meaning of this is not to satirize Yang Lele, but to marry someone else's money?

"I don't worry about food or clothes even if I don't marry. I can support myself." Yang Lele snorted coldly and said disdainfully.

She also has hundreds of liang of silver in one month. In the past two years, half of the money she made has been kept as dowry by her parents. It hasn't moved at all. After a period of time, she has saved a lot.

"What do you want to do?" Yang Lele said impatiently.

"Can't I congratulate you?" Yang Suyun's Willow eyebrow is slightly wrinkled, which looks misunderstood.

In fact, she didn't see Joe Tianchang outside before she came in. She wanted to get some information from her mouth.