Yang Suyun, with a soft smile on his face, looked at Yang Lele and said softly, "you are my cousin. Isn't it right for me to come in and talk to you when I get married?" Then he looked at Ning Mengyao with a embarrassed face: "Mrs. Qiao doesn't know if I can talk to my cousin alone?"

It's very polite to say this, but the eyes are clear. You should not disturb other sisters here.

Ningmengyao is not the one who can't understand people's eyes. She smiles and looks at Yang Suyun, then turns to look at Yang Lele: "Lele, I'll go back to see the little monkey. I'll come to you later."

"Good." Although Yang Lele's heart is full of dissatisfaction with Yang Suyun, he still nods.

When Ning Mengyao left, Yang Lele said impatiently, "what do you want to say?"

Yang Suyun looked at Yang Lele displeased: "I'm related to you. What's your attitude towards me?"

Yang Lele looked at Yang Suyun with a sneer: "if it's not because my husband and brother Qiao are brothers, if it's not because my relationship with brother Qiao is still successful, you will come to tell me this?"

Yang Suyun choked and looked at Yang Lele discontentedly: "Why are you so stupid? You have a good relationship with Ning Mengyao. You are not a real relative after all. If you can help me get Qiao Tianchang, I will not lose your benefits? What do you say? "

Yang Lele looks at Yang Suyun, with inquiry in his eyes. When Yang Suyun thinks he is going to succeed, Yang Lele suddenly says, "where do I say you have such a thick cheek? Got brother Joe? Do you think you are beautiful or something? I really think I'm a character. "

Yang Lele's disdain made Yang Suyun's face green and white.

"Yang Lele, you..."

When Yang Suyun was about to get angry, there was a rush of footsteps outside. Then a tall figure came in, supporting lei'an. Lei'an's face was red.

It's drunk at first sight.

Yang Suyun's eyes are not on these things, but on Qiao Tianchang, who is supporting lei'an. His eyes are full of obsession. He is gambling right. Qiao Tianchang is coming.

Yang Lele glared at Yang Suyun, hurriedly got up and walked over, helping Qiao Tianchang to help Lei An: "brother Qiao is in trouble with you."

"Nothing, Yao Yao?"

"Yao Yao said to go back to see little Mo'er." Yang Lele laboriously put lei'an on the bed, then turned to look at Qiao Tianchang and said with a smile.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, well, glanced at Lei An, turned around and went out. In the whole process, he didn't look at Yang Suyun standing beside him.

Yang Suyun is so willing to be ignored by Qiao Tianchang? Of course not. She hurriedly followed up and even stopped in front of Qiao Tianchang: "brother Qiao, why are you so anxious? I want to work in the workshop. Can you help me He said, looking at Qiao Tianchang with shy eyes.

Qiao Tian Chang disgusted to see Yang Xiuyun one eye, cold mouth: "I am not so familiar with you."

When his face turned white, Yang Suyun forced out a smile and said awkwardly, "this I'll be familiar later. "

"What do you want to say?" Qiao Tianchang looks at Yang Suyun impatiently. His eyes are full of disgust.

As soon as Yang Suyun's eyes brightened, he felt that his chance had come. He looked up at Qiao Tianchang with obsessed eyes. "Brother Qiao, I like you. I want to be with you, even if I serve you as a slave or a servant." After that, he lowered his head shyly and looked forward to it. Qiao Tianchang responded to her and looked forward to it

However, Qiao Tianchang looked at Yang Suyun with disdain and said impatiently, "there are many maidservants in my family."

Yang Suyun's body slightly shakes for a while, then looks up, his eyes are full of tears, two lines of clear tears, sliding down his cheek.

"Brother Qiao, are you really so cruel? I really just like you. " Yang Suyun's charming appearance, if someone else saw it, would have been moved, but Qiao Tianchang was in front of her, a man who didn't know what to pity.

Qiao Tianchang didn't have time to deal with Yang Suyun. He suddenly looked up, and a doting smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. When Yang Suyun thought he was successful, Qiao Tianchang suddenly said, "Yao Yao, how is Shanger?"