Bai Mo shakes his head: "I don't know. I've been looking for the news of ya'er since she disappeared. It's also the latest news. I went to lingguo to find you, but I didn't find anyone. They said you came to Xiaoguo, so I came here to try my luck. I didn't expect to find anyone." White ink face with a happy smile.

Ningmengyao sat listening to the conversation between the two people, always thinking that there was something strange, but she could not say specifically, what was strange in the end.

Thought for a long time did not think of the answer, Ning Mengyao simply do not think, but sit on the side of the two people's words.

"Where is ya'er in Miao, I want to go with you." Nangong Yan thought about it and looked at Bai Mo and said seriously.

As soon as Ning Mengyao was about to say something, he saw Qiao Tianchang shaking his head with him, which seemed to mean to say, let her not talk.

Although confused, Ning Mengyao nodded obediently and sat on the side without interrupting the conversation between the two men.

After the two talked, it was an hour later. In the middle, Ning Mengyao became more and more curious about the man named Bai mo.

From Nangong Yan's attitude, he trusts the man in front of him very much.

White ink stood in front of the window, looking at everything outside, his lips raised a light smile, as if he saw something interesting.

And assassin Ning Mengyao pulls Qiao Tianchang back to the room, frowning, "Tianchang, I don't think it's right."

Qiao Tianchang nodded, and the sixth sense in the battlefield told him that the man named Bai Mo was more dangerous than any one of them, and more than ten times.

What's wrong with such a dangerous man? What's wrong with his father-in-law's friends.

Joe Tianchang whispered, "look at white ink this time, but don't show it."

"Do you think dad really wants to leave with Bai Mo?" This is what ningmengyao is most worried about now.

Nangong Yan and her mother had a good relationship before. She didn't deny it, but she didn't believe in Bai Mo, and she didn't trust Bai Mo to hand over people.

Joe Tianchang sighed, "my father-in-law will definitely go."


"If I had been my father-in-law and my wife had been missing for decades, I would have gone, even if it was just an ambiguous message." Qiao Tianchang said seriously.

Because love to the extreme, so after the news, I would like to put on wings to fly past.

He thinks Nangong Yan is too rational. He's a little scared.

Ningmengyao is silent.

Indeed, if it was her, she would do the same, even if it was a very slim hope, even if the end of the hope would pay a heavy price.

"Don't worry, father-in-law is not so easy to bully." As long as the man named Bai Mo really just came to Nangong Yan to talk about this, it's OK. If not, don't blame him for being rude.

Ningmengyao is still tangled up and doesn't want to let nangongyan go.

Sure enough, a few days later, Nangong Yan really asked to leave with Bai mo.

"Do you have to leave, dad?" Ningmengyao always thought that nangongyan would be very dangerous if she left. She didn't want nangongyan to leave.

Nangong Yan smiled and nodded, "yes, dad wants to find your mother. I'll bring her back to see the baby when I find your mother."

Ning Mengyao looks at the white ink on the edge and nods helplessly: "well, Dad, you must be careful."

She didn't add her mother, but Nangong Yan's love for her father made her greedy and nostalgic.

Nangong Yan smiled and nodded, "you are so wordy. Be careful that Tianchang is bothering you."

After a while, Nangong Yan turns over and gets on the horse. In this gap, Ning Mengyao and Bai Mo say in a voice that only two people can hear: "you'd better not have any purpose, or I will surely tear you to pieces."

White ink eyelids jump: "what else can I have? Just to find old friends. " The smile on Bai Mo's face is still so flawless.

But it is such a perfect smile that makes Ning Mengyao feel weird.

Too perfect things, often hidden danger.