And Bai Mo happens to be such a person, so she doesn't believe in Bai Mo at all.

Ning Mengyao snorted coldly, "it's better to be like this."

Qiao Tianchang put the bundle in Nangong Yan's hand: "my father-in-law, these are all prepared by Yaoyao for you. You must take good care of them."

"Well, I see." Nangong Yan's eyes flickered slightly, then he smiled and nodded. The difference in his eyes seemed to be just an illusion.

Nangong Yan finally left with Bai mo. Ning Mengyao stood at the door and watched the two men riding away: "Tianchang dad will be OK, right?" Ningmengyao seems to be a little vulnerable at this time.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded: "don't worry, my father-in-law will be able to understand what I mean."

Ningmengyao sighed and said helplessly, "I don't know why my father believed in Baimo so much."

They can see that there is something wrong with white ink, so she doesn't believe Nangong Yan didn't see it.

But if you see it, why does he want to leave with Bai Mo?

"My father-in-law knows what he's doing. We just need to support him. We'll send a message to tell Xiaoqi to take care of him."

"That's the only way. And grandpa can take care of dad." Ningmengyao thought of the same strange old man in Miao.

Qiao Tianchang takes Ning Mengyao's hand and turns to go back to the house, * * * * takes the shallow fresh meat uno: "since then, let's go back."


Nangong Yan leaves with white ink, and suddenly a group of people in black appear around him. Nangong Yan's face changes slightly. He looks at the white ink on the edge, and he is confused.

White ink sat on the horse with a temperament like a relegated immortal.

"What do you think they came for?" The whisper of white ink seems to be talking to himself and telling Nangong Yan.

Nangong Yan takes a look at Bai Mo: "I don't know, maybe it's for me."

White ink mouth slightly hook, seems to be very satisfied with the result.

The man in black saw that the two were still chatting with each other, and immediately became angry: "do it."

Looking at the man in black who was flying towards them, Nangong Yan snorted coldly, his wrist shook, and a soft sword appeared in his hand. It was on the shaking soft sword, with dazzling cold light.

White ink looked at the soft sword in Nangong Yan's hand, and saw what flashed in his eyes, and soon disappeared.

"Watch the back of the flame." White ink suddenly said.

Nangong Yan squints and is about to turn around when he is hit on the back with one palm.

To Nangong Yan's dismay, he didn't even know who hit the palm.

It almost killed him.

White ink flies off the horse and blocks Nangong Yan, who doesn't have a good face, behind him.

"Yan, are you ok?"

"Nothing." Nangong Yan shakes his head and tries to throw it out through the confusion in his brain, but finally he gradually closes his eyes. At the moment of closing his eyes, Nangong Yan sees Baimo's worried eyes.

"Bang" the table in front of Ning Mengyao split in a moment, and his face was covered with frost.

"What did you just mean? Tell me again. " Ningmengyao gnashed her teeth and looked at several people in front of her, roaring angrily.

Kneeling on the ground are all the people she sent to protect Nangong Yan, with good strength and means.

"The LORD was taken away. We went a little late. There were signs of fighting and dead people in black."

Ningmengyao tightly pressed her lips, and her face was very ugly, which worried Qiao Tianchang on the edge.

"Don't worry about Yao Yao Yao. It must be purposeful for the other party to try their best to capture her father-in-law. If it's for your rights, they will have news soon." Qiao Tianchang sits beside Ning Mengyao and pats her back gently, letting her not think too much.

Ningmengyao kept shaking her head: "no, I can't just sit there and wait for death. I'll go out and find it for me right away, even if I turn over all the countries." She didn't want to lose this love from her father.


After waiting for someone to leave, Qiao Tianchang hugs Ning Mengyao, who is already worried about the edge of collapse, and tightly imprisons her.

"Father in law will be fine."