Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Tianchang's waist tightly with her hands, and her voice whimpers, just like a little beast that has lost her parents.

This kind of Ning Mengyao makes Qiao Tianchang very distressed. He holds people in his hands and lets them sit on his own legs. With his hands, he slaps them gently behind her.

"Tianchang, I'm still worried." When Qiao Tianchang thought that Ning Mengyao had gradually calmed down, Ning Mengyao suddenly opened her mouth, instead, Qiao Tianchang, who was thinking about things on the edge, was shocked.

"As long as the father-in-law has no accident, we can find him. He has spent so much time. I don't think it's for his life." Qiao Tianchang holds Ning Mengyao and explains to her in a low voice, hoping that she can be quiet.

As expected, hearing Qiao Tianchang's slight hoarseness and sexy voice, Ning Mengyao's eyelids gradually drooped down, and finally fell asleep in Qiao Tianchang's arms.

Originally, I didn't sleep very much last night. Today, I'm afraid of Nangong Yan's business, so ningmengyao can't bear it.

After waiting for someone to really sleep, Qiao Tianchang carefully put them on the bed, and then went out.

After calling back the previous several people and asking several times to make sure that there is nothing left, they left.

Qiao Tianchang thought of what several people said, frowning slightly. Where did his father-in-law go after all?

Also, how could father-in-law suddenly disappear without any reason? What happened in the middle?

One question came up one after another. Joe Tianchang reached out and rubbed his brow and heart. He was helpless.

It seems that there is no way to continue like this.

"Keep looking, and start to investigate from Baimo." Thinking of white ink, Joe Tianchang's expression was much colder.

That man had better not have any problems, or they should not be blamed for their carelessness.


After all the things were ordered, Qiao Tianchang sighed. He thought that he could live a simple life in Baishan village. Who knows that they just didn't give him this chance? It's either something here or something. It really bothered him.

But that is the father-in-law of his daughter-in-law. Can he not help himself? How can this work?

As long as there is no news, Ning Mengyao must be fidgety. He doesn't want to let Ning Mengyao worry about these things.

Ningmengyao had a deep sleep and didn't wake up until midnight.

"Why did I sleep so long?" Ning Mengyao looked at the dark outside and said with some consternation.

"You're tired, you're going to sleep that long." Qiao Tianchang smiled and said that he didn't tell Ning Mengyao that it was because he had given her some incense which was helpful for her sleep, plus she had also ordered her sleeping hole. If he didn't sleep until this time, he would really doubt whether his martial arts had fallen back.

Ning Mengyao twisted her neck and felt it was completely stiff.

"My neck hurts when I sleep. It's strange how I sleep so well today." Finally, Ning Mengyao murmured in a low voice, which happened to be heard by Qiao Tianchang.

The corner of the mouth slightly curved, Joe Tianchang whispered advice: "well, nothing but a sleep nothing."

"That's not good. I'm going to ask someone to find dad." Ningmengyao pushes Qiao Tianchang away and gets ready to get out of bed.

The eye is quick to pull the person to the bed, Qiao Tianchang helpless opening: "what are you worried about? I've arranged everything. "

"Then I'll rest assured." Ningmengyao is only slightly stunned for a moment, so she nodded at ease.

Qiao Tianchang is speechless. How relieved is this girl? But it's better to be detailed than to trust others.

They sat in the same bed, but each had his own mind.

Ningmengyao reaches out and rubs her shoulder. How does she feel like sleeping? It seems that the bones are all sleeping.

"Tianchang, my father must find it, and Baimo." The two are missing together. As long as one of them can be found, the second one will be found.

And in ningmengyao's heart, nangongyan was abducted by white ink.