Qiao Tianchang put out his hand to hold people in his arms and soothed them softly: "don't worry, my father-in-law will be fine."

For Bai Mo, Ning Mengyao really hates it. If it wasn't for the arrival of that man, how could my father disappear together?

"Damn it, better not let me see people, or I'll beat him to death." Ning Mengyao said with gnashing teeth.

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids jumped. It seems that the girl is really angry this time, otherwise she will not say such words.

"My father-in-law is not the kind of bully. Don't worry too much."

Ning Mengyao nods helplessly. Now they have no news. Even if they want to do something, it's all in vain.

"It's better to have nothing to do with that white ink." If Nangong Yan's disappearance has something to do with Bai Mo, she must knead the guy to death.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are full of smiles. It seems that Bai Mo will really be beaten in the future.

When Nangong Yan woke up, he was locked in a stone chamber, and his limbs were even locked up with chains.

From the ground, Nangong Yan's face was cold, and the sound of iron chain came from his ear.

Nangong Yan's face turned iron blue, thinking about what happened after he left with Baimo.

Nangong Yan looks at the stone room and frowns slightly. What will the other party do?

Nangong Yan thought about these things carefully, frowning slightly. He didn't feel the breath of people around the stone room at all.

That is to say, there is no one here.

The iron chain on the hand clatters with the action of Nangong Yan.

"How is he?" In the room above the stone room, two people whispered something.

"Very quiet."


Later, the speaker, with a helpless face, put out his hand: "it's really very quiet. Instead of shouting, he's calm and scary."

"Is it? I don't know what the national teachers have brought them back to do. " The man whispered.

"You don't want to live? Can we also discuss the matter of the national teachers? "

The man who keeps muttering, quickly shut up, yeah, he doesn't want to live, does he? Even in private, said the national teacher is not.

Their voices gradually disappeared, and at this time in the room of the national teacher, a man in black knelt on one knee.

"It's really like Nangong Yan's character. If so, let's see when he can stand it." If there is no food or drink, he will see when Nangong Yan can endure it.


In the stone room, Nangong Yan doesn't know how long it has been outside, but feels like her body function is slowly weakening.

The expression on Nangong Yan's face hasn't disappeared all the time, just looking at all this in front of her coldly.

Do those people want to see how much he can stand? Then he will see what they want to do.

Now Nangong Yan knows that these people certainly don't want his life. If they want his life, he is already dead and won't stay here.

As long as it's not for him to die, there's no problem.

It's nearly seven days since nangongyan disappeared. There's no news from them.

Although ningmengyao didn't say it, the worry on her face became more and more obvious.

Qiao Tianchang sighed, reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's cheek: "don't worry, I've let Xiao Qi start to look for it over there."

Since they are going to the Miao area, even if they are missing, they must have something to do with it.

Ning Mengyao nodded, reached out his hand and rubbed his eyebrows. Suddenly, she said in a cold voice: "Tianchang lets people have the right to trace the people who have come out of the Miao area in these years, and kill them after finding them."

She'll see who's in the last ditch.

"Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded:" I have ordered to go down, and already had some eyebrows

Although it was more than ten years ago, it will take some time to trace, but it is not difficult for them.

Ningmengyao is at ease when she hears this: "fortunately, you are here."

These days, if it wasn't for Qiao Tianchang to help her and persuade her, she would be out of control.

"I understand." Nangong Yan is good to ningmengyao. He looks at it all in his eyes. Let's not talk about ningmengyao.