Lei An looks at Yang's baby and tells himself what's in the package. He is sad.

Yang Yi reached out and patted Lei an on the shoulder, saying seriously, "don't worry, we will take good care of Lele for you."

"Thank you, brother." Besides thanking Ryan, I don't seem to know what to use to describe my current mood.

"We are brothers." Although he is not very satisfied with Lei An's taking his sister away, these days, Lei An is good to his sister. He also sees that it seems good to have such a brother.

After chatting with the foster family for a while, Lin Ziyou comes in from the outside: "Leian should go."

Ryan froze, then nodded, "I see."

With a sigh, Lin Ziyou turns around and goes out.

Yang Lele came out of the room with a bundle in his hand: "I'll wait for you here."

Regardless of the presence of Yang's family, lei'an drags Yang Lele into his arms: "I will come back soon. If there is anything wrong, let the people in my sister-in-law's side bring me a letter."


Lei An finally left. He took what Yang Lele and Yang prepared and rode away with Lin Ziyou.

Yang Lele stood at the door and watched Lei An's figure disappear in his sight. Then he turned back.

Yang looked at his daughter's depressed look, some heartache: "rest assured, he will come back soon."

"Mom, I know."

Since knowing that the workshop is not Qiao Tianchang's, Yang Suyun hasn't been to Baishan village since then. She stays at home obediently. Because of this, she eases the relationship between her family. However, after knowing that Lei An is actually a military officer, she suddenly doesn't calm down.

"Mom, what did you just say?" Yang Suyun's movement of sewing clothes pauses, his eyes full of disbelief.

Is Yang Lele the official lady now? She doesn't believe it. Why is Yang Lele?

"I didn't expect Lei An to be a general. He has left Baishan village and gone to the border." Cheng didn't care about Yang Suyun's tone. If he said unexpectedly, he sighed: "I thought lei'an was just an orphan, but I didn't expect to have such an identity. It's not easy."

"Mom, are you sure you didn't hear me wrong?" Yang Suyun asked with some uncertainty.

Cheng looked at Yang Suyun displeased: "what do you mean, Suyun?"

"No, just curious about how Yang Lele met such a person." Put down the jealousy in the heart, Yang Suyun said with a dry smile.

Cheng took a look at Yang Suyun and seemed to be sure that she was telling the truth.

"It seems that Ryan saved Lele, and then they got to know each other."

Yang Suyun's eyes were full of jealousy. He muttered in a low voice, "it's really a good life."

"What do you say?"

"Nothing." Yang Suyun hurriedly shook his head, but thought bitterly.

On the battlefield, the sword has no eyes. I don't know if people can come back alive.

This idea became more and more obvious until a few days later, Yang Suyun followed Cheng to Yang's house.

Seeing Yang Lele sitting quietly in the yard doing embroidery work, his face was full of envy.

Yang Lele used to pick up clothes she didn't want to wear, but now look at these materials on her, they are all top-grade.

"What is cousin doing?" Yang Suyun sat down and asked with a smile.

Yang Lele looks at Yang Suyun and says, "make clothes for my husband."

Yang Suyun blinked: "isn't he gone?"

Yang Lele doesn't want to pay attention to Yang Suyun. He takes the embroidered basket and gets up: "Niang, my aunt, I'm going back to my room."

"Go." Yang frowned and took a look at Yang Suyun. Lele found something to do these days. What does Yang Xiuyun mean?

Yang Xiuyun smiled awkwardly, embarrassed on one face: "Auntie, I didn't mean to."

"Don't speak if you can't speak." Cheng regrets bringing Yang Suyun here.

Yang Suyun looks at his mother wrongly, but he is very proud. Even if Yang Lele is the official wife now, how about that? That man doesn't have to come back.

In the afternoon, Yang and Cheng went to the house. There were only two people left in the yard.

Yang Suyun looks at Yang Lele, his face is full of twists: "Yang Lele, how can you live so well? It's a pity that Ryan doesn't know if he can come back alive. "