Yang Lele can't hear this now. As soon as Yang Suyun said it, she immediately became angry: "what do you mean, Yang Suyun?"

"What do you mean? Am I wrong? There is no eye for swords on the battlefield. He doesn't know if he can come back alive. " Yang Suyun's mouth is slightly hooked. After seeing Yang Lele's angry appearance, he has a happy smile on his face.

"Pa" Yang Lele raised his hand and slapped it on Yang Suyun's face: "shut up, my Xianggong will be fine, he said he will come back."

"Ha ha, you are deceiving yourself. Who does he think he is? Is it possible to live? Yang Lele, you will be as young and widowed as I am In the last four words, Yang Suyun spoke slowly and loudly.

It's like a sullen thunder that rings in Yang Lele's ear.

"You You... " Yang Lele reached out to Yang Suyun with trembling hands. He was so excited that he fainted on the ground.

Yang and Cheng smiled together, and what they saw was Yang Suyun smiling at Yang Lele who fainted.

"Lele" Yang rushed to help people up.

Yang Zhu, who came back from the field, saw his daughter in a coma. His face was full of worry: "what's the matter with her daughter-in-law Lele?"

"Xianggong, go to Yaoer and ask her to bring Qingshuang to Lele." Yang said in a hurry.

Yang Zhu answered, threw his hoe on the ground and ran out.

Yang Suyun sneers in his heart, hoping that Yang Lele will die if he can't stand the blow.

When Ning Mengyao heard that Yang Lele was dizzy, she quickly put the child in Qiao Tianchang's arms and went to Yang Zhu's house with Qingshuang.

After feeling Yang Lele's pulse, Qingshuang frowned: "she is nearly a month pregnant. This time, she will faint after being stimulated. She has a little bit of fetal Qi. I'll prescribe some medicine and take a pair of medicine, but she can't be stimulated."

Cheng looked at Yang Suyun and said, "what did you do?" At that time, only when she was with Yang Lele, it must be what Yang Suyun said that would stimulate Yang Lele.

Ning Mengyao looks at Yang Suyun coldly. How does this woman come out again?

"Mom, I'm your daughter. Why can't you believe me?" Yang Suyun looked at his mother discontentedly and said angrily.

After half an hour, Yang Lele slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Yang Suyun, she became excited again: "my mother told her to get out of my house, and let her get out of our house at once. I don't want to see her."

Yang quickly hugged the extremely excited Yang Lele in his arms and comforted: "Lele, don't worry. You can't be excited now. There are children in your stomach."

Children? Yang Lele looked at Yang's family in a dazed way, some of whom couldn't believe: "Niang, what do you say?"

"Qingshuang just gave you the pulse, saying that you have been pregnant for nearly a month, and will faint only after being stimulated."

Yang Lele subconsciously reaches out his hand and touches his stomach. He thinks of what Lei An said to her before he left. He said that when he comes back, they will have a child. Now she is pregnant? She and Ryan have children?

"Niang This... Is this true? "

"Really, Qingshuang said that you had some vital energy. Can't you be excited?" Yang's gentle exhortation, but the heart of Yang Suyun hate not.

Yang Lele reached for his stomach and nodded, but when he saw Yang Suyun, his expression was still a little excited, but he was restrained: "Niang, you let her get out, I don't want to see her."

"What's the matter this is?"

"Niang Yang Suyun said that Lei An would not come back. He would die in the battlefield. He also said that I would be widowed as young as her." Yang Lele said in a choking voice.

Her husband went out to fight. As a wife, she was worried. But Yang Suyun said that.

Yang's instant Rage: "Yang Suyun, how did my daughter provoke you? You're going to say that about her? " Her daughter and son-in-law are in a good relationship. No wonder Yang Lele will be stimulated. No matter who hears this, Yang Lele will definitely be stimulated. What's more, Yang Lele is pregnant.