Cheng's face was gloomy and he looked at Yang Suyun. No wonder when he came over, Yang Suyun said he would follow him. It was because of this.

"You disappoint me so much, Yang Suyun." Cheng raised his hand and slapped Yang Suyun.

Ning Mengyao looks at this scene coldly. Fortunately, Yang Lele has nothing to do with it. Otherwise, she must make her pay a heavy price.

Do Yang Lele's side, Ning Mengyao said with a smile: "don't worry about Lei An. He's OK. Write a letter to Lei An to tell him the good news. I'll send it to you. With you, children and aunt Yang, Lei An will come back intact no matter what. As long as you take good care of yourself and your children."

Yang Lele believed ningmengyao's words very much. Now when he heard ningmengyao's words, he nodded, "OK, I'll listen to you."

Yao Yao is right. With them here, how can Lei An leave without them?

After pacifying Yang Lele, Ning Mengyao looked at Cheng: "aunt Cheng is not that I'm not unkind, but I think during the pregnancy of Lele, I'd better ask Yang Suyun not to come back. If something happens to Lele and her child, the friendship between the two families will be completely over. In addition, Lei An will go crazy if he comes back to know."

Although Cheng's face is not good-looking, she also knows Ning Mengyao's meaning. She is right. She still shows Yang Suyun a little tighter. What moth will come out when she saves.

"Don't worry, I know."

When Yang Zhu heard that he was going to be a grandfather, the expression on his face did not mention how happy he was, but when he heard his daughter's words, his face went down like a face change.

"My sister-in-law is not that I am inhuman, but that Suyun is too much." Even people who have a bad relationship with their family won't say Lei An can't come back in front of them. Now it's OK. Can they not be angry when their family says their children can't come back in front of them?

What's more, Yang Lele's viviparity was aroused, and they became even more angry.

Cheng's face was also embarrassed. It was originally a happy event, but now it's OK. It's like this.

"Don't worry, sister. I'll take good care of her in the future." Cheng's heart is also not hate, let her in front of their own people lost so much face.

Yang Suyun looked at them unconvinced: "am I wrong? On the battlefield, there are no swords or eyes. Who knows if Ryan can come back alive? " She just can't stand Yang Lele's family loving her so much. She just can't stand Yang Lele's good life.

Ning Mengyao saw Yang Lele's face turned white and his eyes were cold. As soon as he wanted to speak, a voice came from the door.

"What else do you want her to do here, dad?" Yang Lele has no appetite and no spirit these two days. This morning, he said he wanted to eat pig's hooves. He went to the town only then. Who knew that when he came back, he heard such words.

Yang Yi comes in with two pig feet and looks at Yang Suyun coldly.

"We won't keep you, sister-in-law." Yang said angrily.

The expression on Cheng's face is a little embarrassed. He stares at Yang Suyun and drags Yang Suyun, who wants to say something else, away.

Yang Yi looks at her sister's pale face: "Niang, what's wrong with Lele? How ugly is his face? "

"It's not that girl Yang Suyun has given her Qi. She has moved her Qi." Yang's anger is hard. If she didn't think about her brother and sister-in-law, she really wanted to give her two big ears.

Yang Yi is startled, then stares round eyes: "Niang you mean Lele is pregnant?"

"Yes, it's less than a month. It's because Yang Suyun is so excited that people faint and call Qingshuang to see it." If you don't say it's OK, Yang's face will be very ugly.

Yang leleqiang pulled out a smile: "Mom, I'm ok."

"Lele, don't try to be brave. Take a good rest during this period. Don't think too much. You have to think about your children as well as yourself, right? And you write a letter. I want Tianchang to send it to Ryan for you. " If it wasn't for something else here, they would have gone to lingguo.

Yang Lele nodded: "I know, Yao Yao thank you."