Nanyu's eyelids jump. What do you want to do, sister-in-law? Do they seem to have benefited? Why does sister-in-law look so dissatisfied?

Luo Fei's eyelids jumped and looked at the lady in front of him silently: "madam, this is our problem. What do you want, we will try our best to do." What did these people say to the master and why they could come down.

The more he thought about it, the more strange it was, until the voice of the dust-free came: "pay this lady ten thousand liang of silver."

"Yes." Luofei was even more surprised. Did he say that the master was defeated in the hands of the people here?

Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly crooked. It seems that he can be a man.

Luo Fei has no choice but to release Ning Mengyao and his friends, with a proper smile on his face.

The waiter bandaged the wound and saw that the boss actually sent these troublemakers out in person. His heart became chilly. Was he going to be unlucky?

After they left, Ning Mengyao went to the Regent's palace. In the past, Qingshuang and her little monkey were there.

Seeing ningmengyao's quiet little monkey, he started to move. He kept waving his hands and his mouth flat. He was very aggrieved.

Seeing his son like this, Ning Mengyao felt sad. He reached out and held the child in his arms. Ning Mengyao reached out and nodded his son's face: "my parents are going out for something, not to leave you behind."

The little monkey leaned against Ning Mengyao's arms, smashed it into his mouth, then slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Ning Mengyao looks at her own son, who is a treasure. He will not wait for them to come back before he goes to bed?

"Take Shanger inside." Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao's helpless face funny.

Nangong Ming gives a look and is carried away by ningmengyao. Their young master is so lovely. He is so cute. He is different from those children.

Qingshuang looks at Nanyu, and her eyes are full of doubts. Nanyu shakes her head, saying that she is OK, which makes Qingshuang calm down.

"If a man named Wuchen comes, let him in." Qiao Tianchang said when he returned to the room.


"But keep it secret. Don't let anyone know." Qiao Tianchang takes a light look at nangongming.

Nangong Ming was surprised and nodded: "I understand."

Qiao Tianchang turns around and goes back to the house. He sees Ning Mengyao sitting by the bed. He looks at his son and doesn't know what he is thinking.

"What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking about the next way to expose it." If we want to crack down, we must start from the root, otherwise it will have no effect at all.

Qiao Tianchang goes to Ning Mengyao and puts his hand around her shoulder: "there will always be a chance."


"The other party has already known that the demagogic insects on Wuchen are gone, and probably will send someone to come here soon, and then it will definitely find opportunities. During this period, other industries are enough for you to play." Qiao Tianchang said calmly.

For Qiao Tianchang, those industries are toys for Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao thought, then nodded seriously: "you are right."

In the middle of the night, a man appeared in the Regent's palace. Nangongming and other people had known his arrival for a long time, so it didn't cause much sensation.

"Follow me."

The next day, Wuchen saw ningmengyao and her husband and wife. She was still holding a child in her arms. Seeing that child, Wuchen felt very like: "he is so lovely."

"That is." Ning Mengyao nods seriously. Is her baby monkey cute?

Wuchen doesn't pay attention to Ning Mengyao's zither, but looks at the child. Qiao Moshan opens his eyes to Wuchen. His little hand covers his mouth and makes a yawn. His eyes are sparkling with tears. His eyes are watery, which makes him feel happy.

"I May I have a hug? " He hasn't felt that for a long time.

Ning Mengyao thought and nodded.

Wuyou hugs Qiao moshang, and a beautiful smile blooms on her beautiful face, which makes ningmengyao feel dizzy.

Qiao Mo Shang's little brow is frowning as if it's not very comfortable. Ning Mengyao quickly says, "the movement in your hand is lighter."

Listening to her words, Wu you relaxed some strength and adjusted a comfortable posture for the child. At last, he didn't frown.