Carefree looked at the little child in his arms, with a light smile in his eyes, without the kind of rejection that he met at first.

Looking at this kind of worry free, Ning Mengyao was surprised. She thought this person really didn't eat fireworks.

"It feels like you've changed." Ning Mengyao pondered for a long time and said such a sentence.

Worry free a Zheng, then absentminded said: "your life I also had fantasies, later in the * *, as long as there is a little special feelings for others, will be miserable." It's a lot of times. Even Playboys should be good, right?

Ning Mengyao forgets this. She looks at Wu you and suddenly feels that this man is very poor.

"You live in the Regent's mansion during this period of time. No one will tell you." Now Nangong Yan is not here. She is the biggest one. Of course, the people below should listen to her.

Qiao Tianchang looked at nangongming standing on the edge: "what can you do about the confidentiality of the Regent's palace?"

Nangong Ming was stunned, and then said seriously, "after the Emperor Ling started to deal with the Regent's palace, we have pulled out all the spies he planted in the palace, and only two of them are closely watched." Those two people have no way to move, move, many things are involved, so they can only keep people.

Ningmengyao is hitting the table with one hand, leaving such two people around, there is really no way to rest assured.

"What if I find a reason to kill them?" Ningmengyao looks up at nangongming and asks with serious eyes.

"I'll take care of it."

"Then find a chance."

Ningmengyao had always wanted to find a chance to kill them.

Who knows that this opportunity does not need her to look for at all, those two people sent to the door.

Those two are the women that the emperor of mausoleum gave to nangongyan in these years. These two women are the girls in their respective families who are still favored.

Even if they were not to be seen in the Regent's palace, Nangong Yan also gave them a good life.

But on the second day of their arrival, the two aunts couldn't wait to make trouble.

At noon, Qiao Tianchang took Nanyu out to deal with the affairs. Ning Mengyao took her children to play in the garden. A woman in a red dress came with a group of servants.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly when she saw ningmengyao holding her baby in the pavilion, especially when she saw ningmengyao's appearance and the baby she held in her arms.

"Boldly, when I see that my wife doesn't even have luggage, I'll be given 30 big boards." The woman's surname is Wei, and the people below are called Mrs. Wei. They have been with Nangong Yan for several years, but they haven't even seen one of them.

Now when she saw a beautiful young girl sitting here with a child in her arms, she was naturally envious.

Ning Mengyao looked up at the woman in front of her coldly, with a sneer on her lips: "want to hit me?"

"This is the Regent's mansion. Where are you supposed to come?" Mrs. Wei was shocked by ningmengyao's cold eyes, and then she stared at ningmengyao angrily. She was also very unhappy with her performance.

Ning Mengyao stood up and put the baby in her arms into the arms of Qingshuang: "look after the little monkey."

"What are you? Dare to talk to me like this here. " Said Ning Mengyao angrily.

"I am the Lord's wife."

Ningmengyao changed her cold appearance and looked at Mrs. Wei with a puzzled face. "You said you were the Lord's wife? Why have I never heard of it? "

"You..." Mrs. Wei's face was a little ugly. She and another lady were called that, even many servants in the palace called them that.

But their hearts are very clear. Nangong Yan never paid attention to them, and even hated their existence to the extreme.

In addition to the first day when they came to the palace, they met Nangong Yan. At other times, they could only stay in their own yard. In other places, they had no way to go, or even could not go.