Qiao Tianchang looks at Ning Mengyao with such a serious expression for the first time, which shows how much he cares about Xiao.

"When Nangong Ming comes back and asks how many people are available in the Regent's palace, I will give you some more, but it will take a little time, but the latest one is tomorrow morning." Ning Mengyao thought about it and spoke seriously.

Qiao Tianchang had a little smile on his face, with a smile of expectation in his eyes: "so I can rest assured."

"Are you going to bring someone out?" Knowing that Joe Tianchang is like her, we can naturally guess some of Joe Tianchang's ideas.

Qiao Tianchang nodded and frowned with some worry: "this is just the beginning. If we continue, people of Xiao state will not know how many will fall into the hands of Ling state."

"Do it. I'll give you my full support." It seems that the state of Ling is still not to the limit, otherwise how can we have time to do these messy things?

Qiao Tianchang put out his hand and put people in his arms. He lowered his head and kissed him on the cheek, with a light smile on his face: "thank you."

This thank-you contains many meanings, and Ning Mengyao also silently accepted his thanks.

"Only once." She doesn't like Qiao Tianchang saying thank you to her, which makes her feel that they are far away from each other.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded, "OK, I won't say it again."

Nangong Ming came in a short time. He reached for a group of soldiers and pressed about 20 people. Everyone was puzzled and puzzled. It seemed that he didn't quite understand why he wanted to capture half of them.

Ningmengyao is too lazy to ask one by one, turning to look at Qingshuang: "Qingshuang these people give you and Nanyu, I want to know everything in the fastest time."

"Don't worry, miss. Leave it to us." Qingshuang smiles and nods. Nangongming is a little strange. He doesn't ask much.

After Qingshuang and Nanyu left with people, Ning Mengyao looked at nangongming and said seriously: "nangongming, if I let you take people with us to deal with lingguo, can you do it?" Although she had asked the same question when she came, everything was very important. Ning Mengyao could not help asking again.

Nangong Ming looked into Ning Mengyao's eyes directly: "the kingdom of mausoleum depends on the protection of the king. For a long time, the king didn't let us fight against the kingdom of mausoleum, but now the emperor of mausoleum is not benevolent, so don't blame us for our injustice."

Because of the power in Nangong Yan's hands, Emperor Ling has been salivating for a long time. He didn't know how many times he had done it. But because Nangong Yan couldn't do it at all, they waited. Until now, after the news of the disappearance of the prince, Emperor Ling finally ignored all the efforts to do it to the Regent's palace.

In this case, it is unnecessary for them to continue to maintain this country, which has been squandered by the mausoleum emperor.

Although Nangong Ming didn't answer her question directly, Ning Mengyao could understand his meaning. That was to say, they have already started against us. Of course, we also need to call back. This is called reciprocity.

Ning Mengyao nodded contentedly: "you will give Tianchang the people you can trust in the palace."


Nangong Ming took out a whistle and blew it, three short and two long.

After blowing it, nangongming said, "the emperor of mausoleum is fighting against the Regent's palace. A large part of the reason is because of the iron guard in the Lord's hand."


"It's an army of ten thousand people. It was trained by the Lord himself. It was hidden more than ten years ago. The Emperor Ling sent people to look for it for a long time, but they didn't find it." It was also because of the fear of this part of the power that the emperor of mausoleum did not dare to act rashly. Instead, he got so many spies in order to get some information.

Ning Mengyao nodded clearly: "then all these ten thousand people can use it?"

"It's all right, but I know that the Lord is missing. The housekeeper but this part of the people went to find the Lord. There are probably less than 5000 people left now." Nangong Ming thought of the missing master, frowning tightly, with obvious worries inside.

Ning Mengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang: "five thousand people enough?"