"Enough." He has heard of the cavalry of the Regent of the state of mausoleum. They are all good at group warfare. Although they can't be one hundred enemies, they can certainly do one hundred enemies and ten.

Ningmengyao nodded: "when nangongming is going to happen, you can tell Tiewei that they will resist." After all, they all took protecting the Mausoleum as their duty before.

Nangong Ming nodded, "don't worry about this, princess. Now I have to ask you to go with me."

"Tianchang, you go. It's OK here."

Qiao Tianchang said to ningmengyao that they should be careful. Nanyu said that Qingshuang had a certain understanding of the insects and was at ease with ningmengyao.

Hearing Nanyu's words, Qiao Tianchang no longer insists on taking Nanyu away with nangongming.

After they left, Ning Mengyao stood on her chin and looked at the colorful garden.

When Wu you came here, you saw this scene: "you are still very big." He used to be in the backyard. He came out to have a look because of the noise.

Ningmengyao raised her hand to let Wuyou sit down. When she saw him, her eyes looked at the child directly, and her heart was speechless. But she still put the child in his arms: "if you like children, you can have one by yourself."

"I'm a man, I can't be born." Worry free full face black line said.

"It's not for you to have a baby, it's for you to marry a daughter-in-law and have a baby." Ning Mengyao has a white and worry free look, and the look seems to say, have you tried? I don't even know that.

Worry free a Zheng, then smile shake head: "say again."

Seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao doesn't say much anymore. Some things need to be solved by her own guess. No matter how much she says, it doesn't work.

Carefree teased the child and said, "you are so big that you don't worry about being known by the emperor of mausoleum?"

"What if I know? I'll keep him busy and have no time to get in my way. " She, Yufeng, qiaotianchang, and the border, and several places at the same time, she would like to see how many hands Emperor Ling has to deal with this matter.

"what do you want to do?" No worries and curiosity.

"It's a fire." Ning Mengyao laughed viciously.

Carefree coaxes the child's movement to stop for a while, speechless looked at Ning Mengyao: "fortunately, I am not against you now."

"That is." Ningmengyao a true words, let worry free eyelids jump, this person can not so narcissistic?

Ningmengyao reached out and patted Wuyou on the shoulder, and said solemnly, "you will soon know how right your choice is, Qingzhu."

"Don't worry, miss. I have already explained it." Green bamboo's smiling opening.

They also like Xiaoguo very much. At least the emperor is good and their villa is also good. Of course, they should be well protected.

Carefree saw green bamboo one eye, in the heart really is not peaceful at all.

In the imperial palace of the state of mausoleum, the emperor looked coldly at the following people: "this is the plan that you can come out after thinking for so long?" The emperor of mausoleum really wanted to shoot these people to death.

They had been given a little chance before, but now they have no power to fight back.

Not only that, but just a finance minister came to say that the economic lifeline of the state of Ling was severer.

They had already cleaned up the mausoleum emperor of many forces in tongbaozhai before they understood clearly. In fact, those forces they were for were just small shrimps, which could not shake the root of others at all. Instead, they were rooted in the industries in the dark. Now they have become a fatal blow to them.

"The emperor is likely to come here." Suddenly someone said.

"But we didn't get the news," mausoleum said

"She may be in the Regent's palace now." The man went on.

The mausoleum almost went away. The Regent's mansion is like a wall of iron. It's hard to hear any news at all. Moreover, the scouts in the Regent's mansion have no news. It can be seen that they must have been cleaned up by the people in the Regent's mansion. It's hard to move now.