The emperor of mausoleum was angry. Looking at the old man, he gritted his teeth and roared, "is that all right? Let them step on my face? "

The old man glanced at the Mausoleum: "no matter how many people you let go, there is no return. If your majesty wants to let this situation happen again and again, you can send more people to try to see if you can get what you want."

Emperor Ling choked for a while. He's really fed up with today's scene. How many times can he live?


"Before a solution can be found, your majesty is better not to act rashly." The old man glanced at the mausoleum and didn't give him any face.

Looking at the figure where the old man left, the face of mausoleum was livid. This man is a master in Miao area. Is that why we should let him?

"Damn it." The emperor of mausoleum cast a low mantra: "let people watch the Regent's palace. As soon as those people come out, they will be killed immediately." He didn't believe that they could stay in the palace all the time.

The eunuch chief looked at the angry face of the Emperor Ling. He wanted to tell him that those people could not provoke him now, but saw that he was angry like that, and swallowed his words back to his mouth. If he dared to say it, he would be pulled out by the Emperor Ling to cut it.

"It's the emperor."

Mausoleum turned to look at his own palace, eyes flustered and flashed, and then Tieqing with a face: "go."

After dark Wei returned to the Regent's palace, he told nangongming everything he saw. Nangongming was unstable and almost fell to the ground.

Nangong Ming turns to look at some people and wants to ask them if they are wrong. However, seeing the excited look of some people, he knows that it must be true, otherwise they will not be so excited.

He reached out his hand and rubbed his forehead. Nangong Ming said helplessly, "it seems that our princess is really unusual."

Ning Mengyao naturally knew what happened in the palace, but she didn't care about it at all. She was interested in the old man.

"That man is from Miao area, isn't he?" Ningmengyao looks down at the child in her arms, with a faint smile on her lips.


Those who can kill those small insects so quickly are naturally Miao people. If they are not Miao people, then she will feel strange.

"Is it? If I continue to fight them, will the old man come out? " Ningmengyao is curious about this.

Qingshuang moves in her hand, looks at Ning Mengyao's puzzled face and nods calmly: "probably."

"Is it?"

"In addition to the tavern, we will try our best to suppress the emperor's merchants." Ningmengyao's mouth raised an evil smile.

She just wanted to see if the old man or the people behind her would come out after she did these things.

Qingshuang looks at her young lady with black lines in her head. There is only one idea in her mind, that is, some people are going to be unlucky.

What Qingzhu likes most is these things. When he gets the order, he goes out quietly. The expression on his face when he comes back is quite calm.

What is different from her calm expression is the emperor merchants of the state of Ling. They are not calm.

Yufeng and meiruolin know this in Yulin mountain villa, but they are helpless. It seems that this girl is not suffering from any loss. She really started.

In the Imperial Palace, the Emperor Mausoleum smashed the cup on the ground: "what did you say just now?"

"The emperor's business was suppressed by tongbaozhai. Apart from the tavern, other industries can't last more than five days." Said the chancellor, shrinking his neck.

Who would have thought tongbaozhai was so fast? And there's no room left.

The emperor's eyes were full of grim color: "OK, it's so good." Said mausoleum, gnashing his teeth.

"What should the emperor do now?"

"Tell the master." This area is in the charge of Miao people, who do not know the specific situation.


When the old man knew it, he frowned tightly, as if he didn't know why it was made like this.

"I know about it. I'll deal with it." What the old man thinks now is, why did the other side stay in the tavern and not start? Do they already know the secret of the restaurant?