After thinking about it, the old man shook his head. He thought it was impossible. After all, except the one who knew it, everyone else didn't know it.


"Go down."

The chancellor had no choice but to turn around and leave, but he murmured in his heart. What a big deal! He was so arrogant.

After the chancellor left, the old man left the palace and went to the tavern in the imperial city.

"I want to see your master." The old man looked at the shopkeeper with a token.

The boss looked at the token, then shook his head: "the master has been missing for several days."

"Well? What's the matter? " The old man's face changed.

The owner of the tavern, but he has something to do with him. He has been here for a long time and has never left. How can he leave this time?

The tavern owner looked at the old man and said, "I don't know."

"What else do you know?" The old man was angry and everyone left. He didn't know how to inform him. How was the boss?

The boss frowned at the old man. "I don't know anything." Then he turned to his own business.

The old man was so cold, the expression on his face was ugly, stared at each other, said angrily, "stop for me."

The tavern owner stopped and looked at the old man: "I don't know what else you have to do? If it's OK, I'll go ahead and do it. " He has so many things that he doesn't have time to follow people around.

"What happened before your master disappeared." The old man suddenly thought of Ning Mengyao, his eyes narrowed slightly, and it was not the right time for him to disappear.

The tavern owner thought for a moment, then shook his head: "nothing happened, but one night, the master suddenly told me that he would leave for a while."

The old man took a look at him and obviously didn't believe that.

Many of the managers in the tavern are selected by the man himself. Most of them only listen to the orders of the tavern owner. For others, as now, they are indifferent.

The tavern owner looked at the old man lightly: "if you are OK, I will go to work first."

What else did the old man want to say? He just saw the light expression of the other side. He could only wave him to leave. Before leaving, he said, "if your master has contact with you, go and tell me."

After a silence, I nodded.

The old man rushed to the palace, but he had no choice but to return. What he didn't know was that after he left, the tavern owner released a carrier pigeon, and there was a small bamboo tube under its wings.

Carefree in the Regent's palace reached out to catch the pigeon flying down. Looking at the content above, he had a faint smile on his mouth, but his eyes were cold.

I can't wait to find him after I get the news.

"What's the matter?" Seeing the strange look on Wuyou's face, Ning Mengyao asked curiously.

Wu You sighed and handed the note to Ning Mengyao: "the one in the palace went to the tavern to find me."

Ningmengyao took a look and nodded with satisfaction: "what he wants is to find you." The old man can't find anyone, so he will contact the people behind him. I don't know if she can see the one behind at last?

"Well, I think she'll be here soon." Worry free whisper, eyes some trance.

As for the carefree mouth, Ning Mengyao is actually quite curious, but seeing him like this, Ning Mengyao doesn't ask much.

"If the man comes, ask her why she did that to you." If you don't open your heart, you are doomed to be single for a lifetime.

Wuyou put his hand on the teacup and then smiled: "OK, but you should be careful. That man is very powerful."

"Who is Nanyu strong with her?" Ning Mengyao looks at Wu you and blinks seriously.

Carefree helplessly looking at Ning Mengyao, this person can't but pick his word eye?

"She used to be a very simple girl. I don't know when she became like this." They knew each other when they were young. At that time, they were family members. It was inevitable that they were together. But when did she start? She changed. He never knew. Maybe she had never been true to him.