Wu you smiled and nodded: "it's really a sadness." Worry free murmured looking at Song Li, a little lost.

Song Li was annoyed by Wuyou's eyes: "Wuyou, if you don't leave with me, I will let all the people in the Regent's palace die."

"Your voice is very big. I'd like to see how you can make my life in the Regent's palace worse than death." When Song Li came, Ning Mengyao woke up, but she didn't come out. Now when she heard Song Li's arrogant words, she sneered.

She dare to be so arrogant in her territory. Who gave her the capital?

Song Li's face changed as she looked at the woman coming out of the room.

Ningmengyao's body is wearing a light colored middle coat, and her long hair is loose at will. It should make people think that she is untidy, but she has a wonderful life.

"Master of tongbaozhai? I've heard a lot about it. " Song Li said gnashing her teeth.

Ningmengyao came out with a chuckle and stood in front of the two people: "I'm flattered. The princess of Miao also surprised the princess. She even likes to break into private houses."

"Look out for this woman, sister-in-law." After Ning Mengyao came out, Nanyu had obvious worries on her face. This woman was not simple. He was afraid that Ning Mengyao would be hurt.

Ning Mengyao smiled and nodded, waved his hand at the same time, and said, "nothing."

"Dying." Song Li looks for the chance and attacks Ning Mengyao.

When Song Li's poisonous palm was about to hit Ning Mengyao, Ning Mengyao's body suddenly disappeared in front of Song Li, but behind her.

"It seems that your brigadier is not very good in the royal residence of Miao." The clear and cold voice of ningmengyao comes from Song Li's back.

When Ning Mengyao disappeared in front of Song Li's eyes, Song Li was totally shocked. In her eyes, Ning Mengyao was an unarmed ordinary woman. At most, she had a good business mind. Who knows that her martial arts were so powerful, even to the point of ecstasy.

Song limeng turns around and looks at Ning Mengyao in front of her. She is still like that when she just walked out. Her hair is not even interesting and messy.

Song Li's eyes narrowed slightly and started again in full view of the public. Ning Mengyao didn't fight back, just dodged at will. It seemed that Ning Mengyao was forced by Song Li and didn't fight back. However, only song Li knew that Ning Mengyao didn't fight at all.

After many dodges, Ning Mengyao squints her eyes and looks at the woman in front of her: "if your strength is just like this, don't come."

When Song Li felt confused, Ning Mengyao had slapped her.

Song Li didn't dodge for a moment, and the last breath of blood came out.

Ning Mengyao looks at Song Li's embarrassed appearance, with a little smile on the corner of her mouth. Song Li suddenly looks up at Wu you: "have you become this now?"

Wu youyileng did not understand what song Li meant.

Nanyu looked at the situation and said directly: "she means that you can watch your sister-in-law do something to her, hurt her, and don't help her."

Carefree eyelids jump, looking at Song Li, his face is full of self mocking smile: "help you? Have you ever thought that I would suffer the pain of bone erosion when you wanted to make me not like being seduced by others? You don't think that because you are selfish, why should I help you when you are hurt? Do you think my feelings are so cheap in your eyes? "

"In the city you..."

"Because you know what I've been through? No matter men or women, or even children, as long as I have a favorite feeling, I will be in agony. You know this kind of multi-functional agony, but you still do it to me. Song Li, I just want to ask why you do it to me? " If she said it directly or asked him to help, he would not hesitate to agree, but she did not, but chose this extreme way to let him compromise.

In the past ten years, all his feelings for her have been completely destroyed. Now he just wants to know why Song Li treated her like that.