Song Li looks at Wuyou in amazement, as if she didn't expect Wuyou to say such a thing. She even looks stunned: "I..."

"Song Li, I just want to know why you do that to me." Seeing Song Li's hesitation, Wu You chuckled, and the expression on her face suddenly cooled.

"Brother Qingcheng, I didn't mean to. Do you believe me?" Maybe knowing that no matter what she said was useless, Song Li suddenly looked at Wu you wrongly, her eyes were watery, which made Ning Mengyao almost fall down.

Ning Mengyao rubbed her eyes, totally disbelieving that the woman who was still fighting and killing just now turned into the shape of this little sheep in a flash.

Worry free self mocked at Song Li, with mockery and sarcasm in his eyes: "Song Li you look like someone else, do you think you are the song Li ten years ago?"


"You don't have to say, I also guessed that you have never used sincerity to me, what you have done is just using it." Worry free hand rubbing his eyebrow, whether it's the expression or the eyes, there are no redundant fluctuations.

Song Li stares at Wu you dead: "are you going to give up our feelings for many years?"

"Years of affection? "Ah." Song Li laughed at herself.

"We've known each other since we were little children. Are you going to wipe me out completely because of my little mistake?" In the eyes of Song Li, it is a little wrong to plant poisonous insects for carefree, so there is no need to arouse the masses.

Ning Mengyao suddenly reaches for song Li's hand, reaches out and clasps her neck from behind, sneers and says, "the effect is wrong? OK, let's see how painful it is for you to try this effect, Nanyu. "

"I see, sister-in-law." Nanyu took out a red pill and, in Song Li's resistant mood, he stuffed it into his mouth.

Ning Mengyao looked at Song Li's frightened expression, smiled and said, "don't worry about it. It's just a little poison and a cute bug. It won't kill you."

"You Don't overdo it when it comes to the city. "

Wuyou wanted to let Song Li go, but after hearing her words, Wuyou was silent.

"Mengyao, I went back to my room to have a rest." Then, regardless of Song Li's angry appearance, she turned around and left. Her back was so determined that she seemed to put it down completely.

Ningmengyao sighed, I'm afraid it will take a long time to go out.

"Who is going too far? You don't deserve his love at all. Nanyu throws people out. Next time, you dare to intrude into the Regent's mansion and kill them directly. You don't have to let them in. " Ning Mengyao turns back to her house, but Song Li behind her eyes are wide.

Is it Ning Mengyao who let her in today?

Looking at Song Li, Nan Yu chuckled and said, "otherwise, how could you come in so simply? It's just that my sister-in-law wants to make me happy. "

With that, he walked towards the gate, even throwing people on the ground without any pity.

Song Li is not immune tonight. All along, in her heart, carefree belongs to the kind of person who will forgive no matter what she does wrong. But this time, she didn't, not only didn't forgive her, but also had nothing to do with her.

She knows that she may have done wrong to plant worms for Wuyou, but she just doesn't want Wuyou to be good to her, and her feelings exclusively belong to others.

But she didn't think that he had no feelings for her after ten years' absence.

When she thought of nothing to worry about, her body suddenly began to ache, especially the heart, as if it was held tightly by one hand.

Originally some pale face, a moment will be white.

Song Li is in a trance at this time. Isn't worry so painful these years?

Once again, thinking of no worries, the pain on her body was even more serious. Song Li didn't even have the strength to get up and leave. The whole person curled up on the ground.