Song Li tightly covers her chest with her hands, and leaches a lot of sweat from her face, moistens her hair, and makes her bite her lips.

Wu you stands in the distance and looks at Song Li like this, which reminds him of himself.

At the beginning, he was also in such pain. He wanted to commit suicide several times. Song Li felt less than one and two tenths of his pain.

Subconsciously, I look down at my left hand. There are many scars on that arm. They were all self mutilated when he had an attack.

She looks just like a pediatrician. At last, Wu you looks at Song Li and turns away.

"How do you feel better?" Ning Mengyao looks at Wu you and asks lightly.

Carefree shakes his head: "no, I can't say what it feels like."

Ning Mengyao chuckled: "she won't have a good ending, because Nanyu doesn't allow it. If you can't see it, it's better to leave." In some words, she needs to say that song Li had a lot to do with the destruction of Nanyu family at the beginning, so it's impossible for Nanyu to let Song Li go.

Wuyou smiles and shakes his head: "I still like to follow you. As for song Li I have nothing to do with her anymore. "

Ningmengyao shrugged and smiled faintly: "you can think like this, which is no better."

"I want to know who he is in Nanyu."

"The king of Miao, after being selected by the Gu king, his family was destroyed by the current king of Miao. Those two brothers escaped with the death of Song Li and the king of Miao had a hatred of extermination." Ningmengyao said word by word.

Carefree Zheng Zheng looked at Ning Mengyao, her expression is not like saying false, then there is only one possibility, Ning Mengyao said these are true.

At that time, Song Li had already done such a thing. She smiled anxiously and bitterly: "it seems that she has concealed a lot of things from me."

"Do you think salary is still important?"

"You're right. What she did has nothing to do with me." Worry free chuckles out the sound, when the sound comes with light relief.

Ning Mengyao stretched out: "go back to rest, I'll go back."

Looking at Ning Mengyao leaving, Wu you just went back to his place. He didn't sleep all night, just sat by the bed and looked out of the window. He knew that the day was getting brighter and the sun was getting up, so he got up and moved his already stiff body.

Wu you went to see his subordinates first, and then with the help of Ning Mengyao, he pretended to go out.

"Nanyu people have returned to the palace..."

In the second half of last night, it was probably Song Li's people who found her before they saw her go back, and finally brought her back.

Nanyu shook his head. "I'm not in a hurry." Now the insects in Song Li's body can take half of her life. With poison, it's better to die than to die.

Ning Mengyao choked for a while, then ignored: "you can do it yourself."

Nan Yu said, standing beside Ning Mengyao, no longer talking.

That woman killed his family with others. How could he let her die so simply? He wants to let that woman realize the fear and despair of her family, and finally die. How did the family die? Now he also wants to let that woman die. Only in this way can he eliminate the hatred in his heart.

"Revenge on Nanyu is OK, but don't be blinded by hatred. Think of Qingshuang." Ning Kai, you want to see Nanyu like this. You are not comfortable in my heart, but I will tell you carefully.

Nanyu's body stiffened, then nodded, "don't worry, sister-in-law, I know."

Ningmengyao is not talking, but looking at Qiao moshang: "little monkey, do you say Daddy is coming back? I miss your father. Do you want to miss him? "

Qiao Mo Shang blinks big eyes, a pair of black eyes then looks at Ning Mengyao, as if he also wants to be a father.

Ningmengyao reached to the cradle and held it up: "little monkey, I want to find your father. What do you say?"

Green frost they listen to where Ning Mengyao is talking to a child who can't speak, some helpless, some distressed.