It is clear that the emperor of mausoleum let people look at the group of people, but when do people leave today do not know, what are those people doing to eat?

"Damn it, what about the people watching them? Where are they dead? " Said mausoleum angrily.

What he thought before was that when things were out of control, he would push out the people in miaojiang and remove them from it.

For this reason, he asked people to monitor the old people, who knew that they were still sneaked away.

"It's all dead. It's a terrible death."

The mausoleum was so angry that he swept all the memorials on the table to the ground, and the expression on his face was distorted.

The people below saw that the mausoleum was so angry that they hurriedly shut down their voices and didn't dare to say anything more.

"Emperor Next... It's a mess. " The chancellor brags.

"Get out of here and deal with it yourself." The emperor of mausoleum now has no master of six gods. It's very clear that this can't be done well. It's likely that his Emperor didn't do it.

At the time when the Imperial Palace was already in full swing, Ning Mengyao was leisurely strolling around with her children in the garden, pinching her son's face from time to time: "do you mean that the emperor of mausoleum has been pushed to the limit?"

"Yes, the people in the Miao area had been evacuated from the imperial palace a few days ago. The mausoleum Emperor just found out today. It's said that he lost his temper."

Ning Mengyao chuckled and didn't comment.

It would be nice to lose your temper and solve the problem. It's just a pity.

Ningmengyao is sitting in the pavilion beside the pond with Qiao moshang in his arms, watching the koi swimming leisurely in the pond, with a light smile on his face: "send the magic grass to Tianchang, let people tell him the role and what happened here, and he knows how to do it."

It will take a few days to send things to Qiao Tianchang from here. I'm afraid it's already in the stage of white heat. Knowing these things, Tianchang should know the use of this thing.

"Sister in law, do you mean to ask Xiao state to help those people in Ling state detoxify?"

"Yes, when a person is threatened by death, suddenly someone can save them. Do you think they will go?"

Needless to think, the answer is yes. Nanyu can even imagine that after those people are detoxified, I'm afraid they will help the eldest brother to fight against the emperor Fu Ling. After all, the emperor's action now is to give up their lives.

"When you do this thing in Nanyu, you know more about magic grass. You have studied with Qingshuang for such a long time, and you should know how to do it." During this period of time, Qingshuang has been studying how to use magic grass to play its role to the extreme. After all, there are not many magic grass in their hands.

At last, Qingshuang and Nanyu found out that there is actually a kind of herb that can be added to reduce the use of magic grass. Not only that, but also the effect is not too different.

Qingshuang suddenly took out a package: "these are all the medicines made these days."


"It should be almost there." Qingshuang is helpless. She also wants to make more. Unfortunately, there are not so many magic grass. Even if she has that heart, she has no power.

"I see. It's hard." Nanyu looks down and kisses Qingshuang on the forehead.

Ning Mengyao looked at the two people like this, helpless mouth: "you two good or bad pay attention to me." She hasn't seen Tianchang for a long time. It's not too much for them to show their love in front of her.

"Sister in law, you are jealous." Nanyu didn't feel embarrassed to say it seriously.

Ningmengyao's eyelids jumped for a moment, and he gave Nanyu a silent stare. Seeing where Qingshuang was still, he was depressed: "Qingshuang has been damaged by you."

Qingshuang quickly restrained the smile on her face and shook her head seriously: "Miss, I don't have one."

Ning Mengyao snorted, "what's written in your eyes, thinking I didn't see it?"

"Sister in law, do you have anything else to explain? I'll go without you. " Nanyu suddenly interrupts what Qingshuang wants to say.

Ningmengyao thought and shook her head: "no, be careful. After we finish the work here, let's go to miaojiang."