She has got the news that Nangong Yan is in Miao area.

When Nanyu was shocked, she couldn't believe looking at Ning Mengyao: "what do you mean, sister-in-law..."

"Well, I've received the news that my father is in miaojiang, and so is my mother. After we've dealt with the affairs here, it's time for us to go over and meet the so-called national teacher." All this was done by the so-called national teacher. She wanted to see what the national teacher wanted to do with so many things.

"Thank you, sister-in-law." Nanyu's voice trembled as he pressed down his excitement.

"Well, hurry up." Ning Mengyao waved and said.

After Nanyu left, Qingshuang stood behind ningmengyao: "Miss......"

"Come on, don't say so much. I'm not only for you, but also for my parents." Ning Mengyao looks at the front and opens her mouth.

Whether it's Qingshuang or Nanyu, she's her own person, of course.

Qingshuang said with a faint smile: "I know."

Three days later, Nanyu arrived at the border, where Qiao Tianchang was found. At that time, the border of lingguo was about to be broken.

"What's up there?" Qiao Tianchang asked when he saw Nanyu.

"It's OK, boss. My sister-in-law asked me to bring it. Besides Nan Yu tells Qiao Tianchang what happened there in those days.

Qiao Tianchang hit the table with one hand, and then his lips were slightly hooked: "let's get the news out, and say we have an antidote here."

At that time, those poisoned people will inevitably come to the border, and the generals of lingguo will not let them out. What will happen at that time, he will not know. Maybe it will have unexpected effects.

It's similar to Qiao Tian's imagination. After he told the news, many people came to the border in a hurry for fear that they would be late and there would be no antidote.

"Get out of my way, all of you." In the border city of lingguo, many people gathered at the gate of the city and looked at the guards in anger.

The angry eyes are like people in front of you who would like to eat directly.

What's the explanation given by the emperor? Huang shang was chosen by himself. Now there is a problem. On the contrary, it has nothing to do with him. He doesn't know that.

Do you really think they're stupid and don't know anything?

They don't make trouble, but it doesn't mean that they don't have any ideas in mind, so that when they hear that Xiao Guo has an antidote, they come here without stopping.

Many of the people here are still young people in their twenties and thirties, who want to live and not die.

"How can you be so headstrong when the two armies are fighting?" The officer guarding the city was also angry. He looked at the young man in front of him with great displeasure and said angrily.

The young man sneered and said, "my young master cares what you are doing. If you don't open the door today, it will not be over."

"It's impossible. If you make trouble without reason, don't blame us for being rude." The general who defends the city has a heavy face. He has heard something about what happened in the imperial city. Now the state of Ling really belongs to internal and external troubles. It was not so serious before. Now it is beyond his control.

The young man took an evil look at the general guarding the city: "OK, I remember, let's go." After that, he turned around and left. It didn't look like what was hot just now.

Seeing him leave, the soldiers guarding the city were relieved. Fortunately, they didn't make a scene.

However, after returning to the tavern where he stayed for a while, the young man ordered his bodyguard: "find a way to go out to find the general of the state of Xiao and tell him to do anything as long as he can cure us."

It's almost dead. What else should this country do? Moreover, this kind of country that pits its own people is also very good.

"It's the young master."

The same thing happened in the rooms of every restaurant.

That night, Qiao Tianchang met a lot of people, which means that as long as there is an antidote, even if it is to help them open the city gate, there is no problem.

"I need to discuss this with others. You can take one back for a while."