Qiao Tianchang takes a look at Nanyu beside him. Nanyu nods clearly and gives them a pill.

It seems that the visitors didn't expect that they could get the pills when they came. Although not many, they were relieved.

"General Joe, since that's the case, I'll go back to my command first. If general Joe is willing to cooperate, he can put this signal bomb." One of them took out a signal bomb and said seriously.

Seeing all the people leave, Qiao Tianchang stands up and looks at the direction of lingguo. His eyes are full of coldness. The generals of Fengguo will arrive soon, no more than three days at most. When they come together, they can start directly.

Nanyu looked at the people who left and frowned: "will they repent?"

"No, these people's masters are either rich or expensive. They are very clear about the effect of this medicine." If there are still people to cheat in this situation, it's meaningless.

"Get Ryan and they'll come."


Half an hour later, all the generals of the state of Xiao came to Qiao Tianchang's tent. Listening to Qiao Tianchang's words, they all thought it was inconceivable. So it's over?

However, Qiao Tianchang said, "no matter how chaotic the country is now, they have an indelible relationship with Miao, so we must be careful."

"General, we know."

Qiao Tianchang nodded and ordered something to go on. He waved to let people go, but the frown seemed to be so tired.

Lying on the bed, Joe Tianchang's eyes were staring at the top of the roof. He had not seen the child and his wife for a long time. He could only paralyze himself with various things, or he would be too fond of them.

He reached out and rubbed his forehead. This time, he didn't know when to go back.

I hope it can be solved soon. Ryan is in a hurry to go back.

After ningmengyao got the news of the border, he couldn't help laughing. It was indeed Tianchang. He could really guess his own ideas.

"Miss, we have already made a move. Let's..."

"Take all the shops of the emperor merchants of the mausoleum." Ningmengyao's mouth is slightly hooked, and she looks at the words of green bamboo.

"You don't want to control all the industries of the emperor merchants, do you?" If so, combined with the previous power of tongbaozhai, she would really become an invisible emperor in lingguo.

Ning Mengyao nodded: "these things are cheaper for others, but not for us. Are you right?"

For ningmengyao, this kind of perverse reason, worry free is irrefutable, can only watch silently, but also agree with her in the heart of this practice.

"I'm afraid the emperor is going to cry." Worry free smile.

Ning Mengyao squints at him: "aren't you gloating?"

"I'm just telling the truth." Wu You shrugs, looking innocent.

"Come on, don't tell you that. You can do it with green bamboo, but remember to make up."

"You really don't know how to write polite." Worry free and depressed, let him compete for the industry he once managed, which is a little unbearable anyway, OK? But this man did it.

Ningmengyao calmly looks at Wuyou, with a threat in her eyes, and you dare not to go.

Worry free choked for a while, stand up and walk to the side of green bamboo, drag people to go: "let's go."

Qingzhu looks at the people in front of him and at ningmengyao behind him. At last, he looks confused and is dragged away.

Qingshuang goes to ningmengyao's side and mumbles discontentedly, "the old cow eats the tender grass and abducts our green bamboo."

Ningmengyao is happy with a puff. Listen to Qingshuang. It's a lament, it's an anger.

"Come on, don't you let green bamboo marry?" Ning Mengyao could not help laughing.

"I don't mean that either." Qingshuang is embarrassed.

She just thought that green bamboo was their youngest sister, how could it be so simple to be fooled?

Ningmengyao reached out and patted Qingshuang on the shoulder: "Qingzhu has his own idea. We can give her a hint, but we can't interfere."