In the Imperial City, Qingzhu and Wuyou are fighting for territory. They are really happy. Those who have taken antidotes at the border also realize that the medicine is really useful. So they are relieved and wait for Qiao Tianchang's response.

If they don't get revenge, they are not comfortable.

On the fourth day after those rich princes made troubles, the people at the border of the state of Ling looked like the earth for no other reason, because now it is not only the state of Xiao, but also the state of Feng that covets them.

Not only that, those smaller countries have come to take a share, that is to say, the state of mausoleum is in a dilemma.

In such a situation, the emperor of mausoleum naturally got the first news. After hearing that the country of mausoleum was surrounded by several countries, the emperor of mausoleum burst out with blood and turned pale.

"Over It's all over. "

"If the emperor wants to find a way to contact the people over there, he has to ask them to help the lingguo." The chief eunuch beside the mausoleum said.

Mausoleum shook his head. "They can't do it."

Emperor Ling is not stupid. This time, he pushed all the business of emperor Shang to them. They were already dissatisfied, which means that the cooperation between him and Miao Jiang was over. What's more, the people in Miao Jiang had already been withdrawn. There was no one left. He went where to find people and where to contact people.

But now no one can help him. He has a quarrel with Miao and the Regent's mansion. He can't command the Regent's mansion to take an iron horse to fight against the million troops in the border.

At the moment, Song Li, who was far away in Miao, was lying on the ground trembling, her eyes full of fear, and in front of her stood a man in white with a mask on his face.

"Who let you make your own decisions?" The man looked at the kneeling people coldly, with suppressed anger in his voice.

Song Li's body trembled. The king of miaojiang was angry, but he didn't dare to contradict: "we feel that we can get more benefits by doing this So... "

"More benefits? Stupid things. " The national master kicked in the body of the king of Miao, and the slim body actually kicked out some of his massive bodies far away, and finally hit the wall.

The king of Miao nationality covered his chest and felt that his viscera had been kicked and his mouth began to bleed.

"National Teacher I, I know it's wrong. " Song Li was really scared. She thought that the king of Miao was the most honorable person before, but now she understands that in front of this mysterious national teacher, Wang is nothing, even her master, the high priest of Miao chose to give up her under such circumstances, which is beyond Song Li's imagination.

Guoshi looks at Song Li with a look, and places the woman who wants to climb beside him in the same place.

"Are you wrong? Do you know that because of your stupidity, you have ruined the great affairs of our national teacher. Is this something you can solve if you make a mistake? " The national teacher glared at Song Li with anger. Even those who were always with him could not help but step back, let alone Song Li, a woman with high status.

When she was in lingguo, she despised the old people's words, but now she knows that she was so stupid at that time.

The national teacher suddenly squatted down, reached out and grabbed Song Li's neck. His eyes were full of haze: "tell me who let you do that."

"I I... "

"What are you? Because of your personal problems, I broke all my plans. " With a heavy wave of Guoshi's hand, Song Li smashed on the wall like a parabola and fell beside the king of Miao.

The kings and concubines who are always in power in the Miao area are now so humble. If others see it, they don't know what they will think?

The Guoshi looked at the two coldly. When he was going to say something else, the high priest came in from outside: "there is something wrong with the Guoshi lingguo. Several countries headed by Xiao and Feng have already besieged the lingguo. If we don't fight..."