The national master looked at the high priest coldly. He was talking about the lingguo on the surface, but in fact, it was for song Li.

Want to change the topic, so let Song Li go, but he also too despised himself, think so simple is over?

"Enough, I have my own opinion on it." The national master interrupted the words of the high priest, and again he focused on Song Li, who was relieved because the high priest came in.

Feel the cold eyes of Nathan again on his own body, Song Li's hair down, a moment the body becomes cold.

She has never felt such cold in a person, as if she would die in the hands of this man in the next moment. This feeling is very bad.

The high priest felt cold in his heart, and knew that his mind could not be reached, so he quickly opened his mouth: "Lili, the national teacher, is still young and ignorant. Please give her another chance. "

Song Li looks up at her master. She can't believe it. This is her superior master. Now she bows to this man for her own sake: "master..."

The high priest took a look at Song Li, which made Song Li's gratitude disappear for a moment.

Just because the coldness in his eyes is not inferior to that of the master of the state,

the master of the state came to the first place and sat with his eyes and looked at the high priest smilingly: "there is no free lunch in the world, and I don't know what the high priest is going to exchange for?"

"Here..." The high priest suddenly hesitated. Of course, he knew what the national master was talking about, but he had a hard time getting such a thing.

he took a look at Song Li and frowned subconsciously. He was not willing to take such a thing out properly at all.

Although the national master didn't speak, he saw the high priest's expression in his eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and his voice was obviously mocking: "it's a pity that she can't live. Come..."

"No, master, please help me." Song Li opened her eyes in horror. It's impossible to imagine that it's going to turn around. Now it's like this again.

She didn't know what Guoshi wanted from Shifu, but it looked like Shifu. It must be very important. She is not sure whether he will save herself.

Then he crawled up to the high priest and grabbed his clothes and cried bitterly.

However, because her mood fluctuated too much, she aroused the insects in her body and screamed out.

"Ah, master help me, I don't want to die." Song Li rolls on the ground in pain, which is not like pretending.

Guo Shi, with a light brow, came to Song Li's body and looked at her twisted expression: "it's a little interesting."

It's natural that the high priest can be accepted as an apprentice, but it's really a surprise that he has been made to look like this.

Song Li is cold all over. She has already looked like this. How interesting is this man here?

The high priest looked at Song Li's eyes and said, "you have no solution."

"What? Master, please help me. " Song Li's anguished wailing and look at the high priest was full of fear.

The high priest looked at Song Li's eyes and became fanatical: "who gave you this bug?"

Song Li subconsciously curled up his body and said painfully, "it's the Nanjia people."

Nanjia? There was a little doubt in the eyes of the high priest, and then he widened his eyes: "you mean the south house that was destroyed ten years ago? Is there anyone alive? "

"Yes, the child selected by Gu Wang at that time has grown up now, and And it's amazing. " Thinking of Nanyu's Witchcraft, Song Li felt more pain in her body.

Originally, the high priest thought that if he knew who had such ability, he would bring back the people, and then cheat his magic skills. Who knew that he was from Nanjia.

At that time, Nanjia's child was about ten years old, and he had completely recorded things. I'm afraid that he could not get what he wanted from his mouth if he wanted to get it back.

The national master looked at the high priest with such a indifferent face and thought about the mess. He smiled sarcastically at the corners of his mouth: "I suddenly had a very good idea to make her so miserable."