Song Li thought she could be cured with a little expectation, but after hearing what the national teacher said, the whole person looked at the man in front of her dumbfounded and couldn't believe: "you You... "

The high priest frowned at Song Li, then turned to look at the National Master: "national master, please see that she is my apprentice. Help her."

The national teacher went back to the chair and sat with one hand on his chin. He looked at her with a smile, and his eyes were full of ridicule: "I can't get rid of this poison. If I get rid of it, it will attack. I will force the insects out, and the virulent poison in my body will attack immediately. You can only bear this pain until you die. There is also a possibility that she will commit suicide. ”

the words of the national teacher are like a magic spell, which makes Song Li's eyes dull. The neglected king of miaojiang looks at Song Li. His eyes are obviously flustered. If this is the insect and poison of the Nanjia kid, you don't need to know how much he hates this woman. Because this woman was the accomplice of his family, he was hurt This treatment.

The high priest did not expect that it would be like this. He could not help wrinkling his brow slightly and looked at Song Li with dissatisfaction.

"What did you do that would make you look like this?" The high priest asked angrily.

Song Li did not dare to say more, and told them all about what happened in lingguo.

After listening, the national teacher looked at Song Li thoughtfully, with a light smile on her face, as if she was very satisfied with such a state.

"Go down, don't go out of the imperial palace of Miao again. The violator will die." Guoshi's death, naturally, would not make her so painful and happy to die, Song Li nodded flurried.

After the king of Miao and Song Li left together, there were only two people in the room, the national teacher and the high priest.

The master of the state looked at the high priest and raised his eyes and asked, "what else is the high priest doing?"

"Guoshi, I want to go out." The eyes of the high priest are full of fanaticism. No matter what, he must be able to bring the insects to the extreme.

The master looked at the high priest indifferently: "the high priest wants to find the descendants of the south family? Since the king of Miao is still here, they will come here sooner or later. What are you worried about? Now the things in lingguo have not been broken by you. Please stay in the Miao area for me. If you let me know that you left the Miao area without permission, don't blame me for my ruthlessness. "

The eyes of the high priest are full of annoyance, what does that mean? How dare you threaten yourself like this? He really takes himself for one thing.

But now the national teacher is in charge of the whole Miao area, and he dare not really disobey his intention.

When I got back to my room, the National Teacher waved people to step back. Then I put my hand on the bookshelf. Then I heard the sound of bookshelf moving. There was a secret path there.

Guoshi walked in with a good knowledge of the way, and went down to a very elegant room.

Seeing the sleeping woman lying on the bed, the face of the national teacher had a light smile: "it's really your woman, the means are ordinary to you at the beginning, if you see it, you will be very happy, right? She has her own home and son, but why don't you want to wake up? "

The National Teacher's voice is very low, which is more like speaking to himself.

I said what I knew to the woman in the bed once, and looked at the person in the bed with no movement, sighed, and finally could only leave helplessly.

For more than ten years, she has always been such a person who doesn't eat or drink. If she hadn't been raised with precious herbs, she would have been dead for a long time.

It's clear that her poison has been detoxified. Why does it still look like this?

He has been waiting for her to wake up all these years, and then they stay in Miao Jiang and never go back, but he and she did not.

On the contrary, I would open my eyes from time to time at the beginning, but this year I have no voice, just like a living dead man.

If it wasn't for the slight rise and fall of her chest, I'm afraid he would subconsciously think whether she had already left him, whether she really had no name.