The national teacher looked at the woman in the bed deeply, looked down and turned to leave. When the secret room was getting dark, no one noticed that the woman's hand on the bed moved slightly, and her closed eyes trembled slightly. It seemed that she wanted to wake up, but was blocked by something.

The emperor stood on the main hall and looked at the trembling Minister: "can't you think of a way for so many of you? It's all rubbish. "

Now many families in lingguo have defected. They even helped Xiaoguo and Fengguo to fight against them together. It was a great shame to him.

"The emperor here..."

"What is this? I want you to find a way, not to make you gabble here and say these nonsense Mausoleum was so angry that he wanted to throw down the chair he was sitting on. All of them were rubbish. He couldn't even do this little thing well. He usually said it so well, as if they knew everything.

At the critical moment, it was useless. He was so angry.

The following ministers could not help frowning. Although they couldn't come up with a way, they didn't scold the people above. They were also very uncomfortable. At present, someone was unhappy and muttered, "you didn't come up with it yet."

"What do you say?"

"I said nothing." The man quickly shook his head. He didn't want to live, so the ghost would say everything. Didn't he try to die?

Cold look at the minister, he does not admit, he can not really do anything, only a fierce stare at each other.

"Start to play the emperor, and make an urgent report for 800 Li." Suddenly a man came in and drove up the battle report.

After seeing the mausoleum, the whole man fainted in the dark.

The chief eunuch next to the emperor of the mausoleum called the imperial physician. He realized that he had a subconscious look at the fold, which said that the state of the mausoleum had lost five cities in one day or so.

At this speed, it will not be long before lingguo will be divided up by Xiaoguo and Fengguo. However, the two countries have already been married, which can be called a grasshopper on a rope.

The chief eunuch looked at the fold and frowned tightly. When everyone didn't notice, he put it away. Then he stood quietly on the side and looked worried at the mausoleum emperor who had fainted.

The mausoleum emperor woke up after an hour, and the ministers had already left.

When he woke up, he looked at the eunuch beside him and said, "let someone call the prince."

Since nangongyue's accident in the state of Xiao, the emperor of mausoleum didn't abolish his prince, but he didn't take care of him.

Now he's very glad that he didn't go too far, or I'm afraid that he doesn't even have an idea maker.

Nangong month quietly looked at the eunuch in front of him. After he finished, he waved for them to retreat: "I know."

After they left, nangongyue threw away the book in her hand, and a cold smile came out of her mouth. What she said was true. When the emperor was in a desperate situation, she would come to see him. She was not wrong.

Isn't that right now? When Xiaoguo and Fengguo approached, he really came.

Stand up and clap the ash that doesn't exist on oneself, walk towards the Royal study with indifference.

Seeing the late Nangong moon, the emperor frowned, "what have you done? How come it's so late. "

"If the father and the emperor dislike it, the children can leave." Then turn around to go.

The emperor was choking and spitting blood. He glared at nangongyue and said in a cold voice, "stop for me."

Nangong Yue stops obediently, then turns around to look at the Emperor Ling, frowns slightly, and looks puzzled: "I don't know what happened when the father and the emperor called his son."

Looking at the son in front of him, the emperor of mausoleum could not say the complexity: "now the situation in mausoleum is very bad, what do you say to do?" I told Nangong Yue the previous 800 Li emergency.

"There are only two ways. Either let them swallow the kingdom of mausoleum step by step, or give up to them."