Qiao Tianchang frowned tightly and looked at the child who was holding Ning Mengyao's skirt. His eyes were angry: "let go."

The half old child shrunk a little, but he still held the hand of Ning Mengyao's skirt.

"Please help me, I don't want to follow that devil." The child's eyes are full of fear and despair, as if he saw something that he could not accept.

Seeing the poor appearance of the child, Ning Mengyao frowned slightly and felt some pain in her heart.

She also has children now. When she sees such children, she can't bear it.

"What's the matter?" Ningmengyao looked down at the child in front of him and asked in a soft voice. The voice and smile on the corner of ningmengyao's mouth made him think he saw the fairy.

"Back It's terrible that someone is after me. " As he said, the child began to shiver, obviously terrified of the man after him.

Qiao Tianchang has been in the army for so many years. He can't help but wonder what happened to the child and what happened to him, which made him afraid of becoming like this.

"Who is after you? That scares you to look like this? "


"You little bunny, run, why don't you keep running?" When the child was about to open his mouth, a cruel voice suddenly came from behind. When he heard the voice, the boy's body was obviously stiff. When he was afraid, his eyes widened. Those eyes were still some of the spirit. They became empty in a moment. Obviously, he was very afraid of the voice.

Ning Mengyao looks at the child in front of her in surprise, then raises her eyes to see the man following her.

The man It's a long and handsome man. It's the lewdness on that face that destroys his five senses. On that slightly frivolous face, it can be seen that it's a long-term indulgence. It's only when you lose your body.

For such a person, Ning Mengyao is very disgusted: "let's go."

As soon as the children heard that they were leaving, the despair on their faces became more obvious. The gray eyes made Ning Mengyao frown.

What kind of inhuman treatment did the child suffer? Why does it become like this? It seems that it's impossible to love.

"Tianchang......" Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang in some embarrassment. She knows their current situation, and she can't take another child with her. But seeing the child's gray eyes, she is a little distressed.

As long as I think that my son will be treated like this one day, Ning Mengyao's heart is painful.

As a mother, she really has no resistance to her children, which is what Ning Mengyao is now.

Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and pinched Ning Mengyao's cheek. He looked at her helplessly: "I knew you would."

"Tianchang......" Ning Mengyao is a little embarrassed.

In fact, it's not only Ning Mengyao, but also Qiao Tianchang who can't bear to see such a look in the eyes of a half old child.

After having a child, the child for Qiao Tianchang, that is the existence of elves, it should be happy, mischievous.

But the child was only eleven or twelve years old, and he had such a strong emotion. He infected Qiao Tianchang, making him think of his childhood, as if he had been like this for a while, full of despair for the world.

"We'll take him away."

"It's nice of you to have a good time." Ning Mengyao smiled happily. It's a kind of happiness for her to save the child.

Qiao Tianchang reaches out to pick up the child, and they turn around and leave together.

At this time, the people behind have caught up with each other. When they see their own people being taken away by two strangers, they are angry.

With a man in front of them: "this is my man, young master. Who let you take him away? Give it back to me. "

The tone of high air made Joe wince in disgust.

"Go away."

The visitor didn't see Qiao Tianchang just now. At the moment, he heard Qiao Tianchang's roar and raised his head subconsciously.

When I saw Qiao Tianchang, the whole person was stupid. Then I looked at Qiao Tianchang with my eyes straight: "I saw him."