Ningmengyao looks at the people in front of her in dismay. She is really a little uncertain about Qiao Tianchang and the children he has in his arms. Who is this person talking about? Does he mean Qiao Tianchang or the children he has in his arms.

"Who are you talking about?" Ning Mengyao asked subconsciously.

"Of course he is." Someone pointed to Qiao Tianchang and said naturally.

It seems that those half-aged children didn't meet the best man before. Now the man in front of them

He's really salivating.

When the people around saw the visitors, their faces turned ugly, even pale. Some handsome men hid for a moment, as if there was a plague here.

This man is a priest's Apprentice. With a good master, he can do whatever he wants here.

The name of the visitor is song Rui. He doesn't like women, so he likes men. He's also a kind of half grown child.

In this city, many delicate looking children fell into his hands, some of them were even thrown into the wilderness, some of them didn't even fall into the capital city.

Ningmengyao blinks, blinks again, and finally has no choice: "Tianchang has someone to look up to you, and is still a man."

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids jumped and reached out to Ning Mengyao, who said, "don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense. He said it himself." Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang innocently and says that she is innocent.

Song Rui saw that the man he was looking for was flirting with other women here, and his face suddenly turned ugly. Seeing Ning Mengyao's expression, he called a cruel man: "the young man is looking up to you, and he who knows his face will follow me."

Qiao Tianchang didn't even give song Rui a sight. He was afraid that he would strangle people if he continued to look.

"Let's go, Yao Yao. Let's go back and let the doctor show the child." Qiao Tianchang tries to make himself look normal, but the green tendons keep popping up in his hands, which makes Ning Mengyao laugh.

"My daughter-in-law, I think we should have a good talk when we go back." Said also seriously nodded, just that evil appearance, let Ning Mengyao heart health alert.

"When I said nothing."

Qiao Tianchang ignores Mengyao and looks down at the child's closed eyes. He can't help worrying: "let's go first."

When song Rui saw that they didn't take themselves seriously, he became angry: "I'll stop them. Do you know who I am? My sister is the princess of Miao. " Song Rui looks at them triumphantly.

I thought I could see their flattery, but after a long time, I saw them looking at him with a very strange look.

"Is it related to the princess of Miao? She or your sister? How can a princess have a brother like you? " Ning Mengyao's disdainful look on his face completely infuriated song Rui.

Song Rui looks at Ning Mengyao with ferocious expression: "are you the wife of this man? If you leave this man, I will spare your life. Otherwise Don't blame me for being rude. "

Ning Mengyao blinked and looked at Song Rui with a puzzled look: "what's your impoliteness? I'm really curious. "

"Look for death, someone will kill this woman for me." Song Rui orders directly.

The people around Song Rui have some martial arts, but they are doomed to be suppressed in the face of Qiao Tianchang and his wife.

Seeing the people around them sharpening their swords, Ning Mengyao raised a strange sneer at the corners of her mouth, holding the child and kicking the man who came to her directly out.

Song Rui saw that Ning Mengyao was so fierce, and suddenly took out one thing in his hand. As soon as he wanted to start with Ning Mengyao, he felt a sharp pain in his lower body.

"Ah..." The thing in the hand is thrown out in a flash, the hand is covering below, scream out miserably.

"You bitch."

"My sister won't let you go." Song Rui really can't believe that his body is still good. He won't be ruined by this woman's foot, will he?

Ning Mengyao sneers at Song Rui, who is bending over to cover his lower body, and says with a smile: "dare to hit my man, I don't mind letting you beat him."