The foot of Ning Mengyao is clear to Qiao Tianchang. As long as the foot is heavier, song Ruike will be really beaten.

The black line of the forehead fell down a row, he helplessly looked at Ning Mengyao, his feet moved quietly for a while, then he looked at Song Rui indifferently.

The men on the edge of the family are worried that something will happen to the family. Who knows, they don't have anything at all. This seemingly very gentle lady is so fierce and kicks in the past. It's still like that.

Not only that, from the distorted expression of song Rui, we can see that this foot is much heavier.

Song Rui felt that his lower body was numb. He had no feeling at all. His face was gradually pale.

"Blood Blood... Young master, your It's bleeding. " After Song Rui's dog legs saw that his hands covered his lower body were bloodstained, all of a sudden the whole person was stupid.

Song Rui hears the words of the servant, and then finds that his hand is a little sticky.

Subconsciously, when he looked down, he saw that his hand had been dyed red. Suddenly, song Rui was afraid. How could he survive in the Song family without the capital to be a man? There are many people in the family who want to replace him.

"You bitch, kill her for me." Song Rui is really afraid now. If he knew these people were so frightening, he would not do such a thing.

A beautiful man can't be compared with his own body.

Ning Mengyao looks at the person in front of her leisurely, with a light smile on her face, and the corner of her mouth looks at Song Rui: "are you sure you don't need to see a doctor now? It may be cured if you go early. If you go late, it will become a decoration. "

The people around took a breath of air-conditioning, they seemed to say, madam, you look so gentle, don't do such a tough thing, OK? It's too scary.

At the same time, the people's eyes fell on Qiao Tianchang, full of sympathy.

Qiao Tianchang can't help but chuckle at the corner of his mouth because his daughter-in-law is actually very nice.

"You are a poisonous woman. I will not let you go. Why don't you take me to the doctor soon?" In order to have no problem with his body, song Rui clenched his teeth and looked at ningmengyao, who looked at ningmengyao like a viper.

Ningmengyao's eyes narrowed slightly and looked at the man who wished to kill himself. The corners of his mouth were crooked: "it seems that you still want to stay. In this case, I will complete you." Said to go towards song Rui.

Just left, no two steps, song Rui don't follow the servants to carry away, that escape speed, let Ning Mengyao tut twice.

Walking back to Qiao Tianchang's side, Ning Mengyao blinked: "Tianchang, am I terrible?"

"Why?" Qiao Tianchang hands a meal, then smiled at Ning Mengyao.

No matter what you do to others, as long as you don't do it to him.

Ning Mengyao smiled contentedly, holding her son and following Qiao Tianchang. They took the comatose child to the hospital.

Those people who are far away from each other can't help but have a row of black lines on their heads when they hear their conversation. Fortunately, this lady is just so fierce to those who offend her. If it's the same to everyone, it's terrible.

When song Rui was sent home, his family saw him like that. Some of them were worried, some were gloating. Of course, those who gloated were concubines of the Song family leader, and some had sons.

One of them was more favored. Seeing song Rui's appearance, he laughed, and his voice had a strange smell: "I don't know if it's OK to hurt him so badly."

"Shut up." The head of the Song family glared at the concubine, with warnings in her eyes.

Although the concubine didn't continue to talk, her eyes were full of schadenfreude.

There was a haze in Song Rui's eyes, and his face turned pale because of the pain, but his eyes were killing.

"Go and get the doctor." The head of the Song family didn't have time to take care of his concubine. He quickly ordered the housekeeper beside him.

The housekeeper nodded and ran out in a hurry. Several concubines stood by and watched. Although they were worried about hypocrisy on their faces, they were overjoyed and had better not be cured, so that their son would have a chance to turn over.

Song Ming's mother, Mrs. song, looked at several excited concubines coldly, and wanted to fight with her son for this cheap thing?