"We can't just let it go. We dare to hurt our son so badly in our territory." Mrs. song looked at the head of the Song family and said.

Naturally, the head of the Song family didn't want to forget: "do you know where those two people came from?"

"I don't know, a man and a woman, still holding a child for five or six months." Song Ming opens his mouth in pain.

The head of the Song family muttered, "I'll send someone to do this. You stay at home. Don't go out to make trouble recently. Do you hear me?" The head of the Song family glared at his son.

Everything is good, but it's too lustful. If it's not for beauty, it won't fall to this point.

"Dad, I know, but I'm going to torture them myself." He wants those two people to regret offending him today. He wants to kill their children in front of them and feed them to the dog.

Song Ming's eyes were full of excitement as soon as he thought about the possible expressions of the two men.

Song's head nodded: "don't worry, dad is busy first. Madam, take good care of Minger."

"I see."

After the Song family leader left, several concubines left early under various excuses.

When the Song family leader sent someone out to find Qiao Tianchang and them.

Two people are taking the saved child in the hospital, looking at the child's wounds, Ning Mengyao frowned tightly.

No wonder when they didn't want to save the child, the despair in his eyes was so obvious.

It turned out to be such inhuman treatment.

Except for the face, arms and other parts of the child's body, there are all scars, especially the waist and abdomen, as well as the root of the thigh, which are crisscross and crisscross, making it impossible to imagine that such a wound would actually be on a child's body.

"It's a beast." Ning Mengyao said with a gnash of teeth.

Qiao Tianchang nodded in silence. Yes, that man is really a beast. No, he was still honored by the beast.

"What about the doctor's injury to the child?"

"It's all skin injuries. It'll be good for a while, but I'm afraid the wounds in his heart won't heal so easily." The old doctor sighed heavily and said helplessly.

When he saw the scars on the child, he was also angry. After all, anyone who saw the scars on a child would be angry no matter who they were, so he was angry with them.

But later I saw that they were not familiar with the child at all, even strangers, so I was embarrassed. Now I hear the two people's questions with obvious embarrassment in their voices.

"We know." Ningmengyao frowned. No matter who was treated like this, his soul would be hurt.

Reaching out and rubbing the child's hair, Ning Mengyao frowned. The two who had planned to go to other places had to stop.

However, after they took the child to the tavern that night, the tavern returned their money to let them leave.

This made them wonder, "why do you want us to leave?"

"The one you wounded today is the son of the Song family or the brother of the princess of Miao." No matter what the status, he dare not leave people behind.

Ningmengyao also wanted to say something, but was stopped by Qiao Tianchang: "since he didn't want to, we don't have to force."

Ning Mengyao said that when she saw Qiao Tianchang, she could only nod her head.

After the two left the restaurant, Qiao Tianchang drove away from the town. After leaving the city gate, he asked Ning Mengyao to make up for the half aged child.

Ning Mengyao thought about it, and immediately understood Qiao Tianchang's meaning. He put Qiao moshang aside and took the make-up tool to smear on the child's face who was still sleepy.

After being busy, Ning Mengyao made up for herself and Qiao Tianchang again. I'm afraid none of them would recognize them unless they were particularly familiar with their actions.

Ning Mengyao sat at the door of the carriage and looked at the two children who were sleeping soundly inside. Her eyebrows were frivolous: "Tianchang, when do you say they will catch up?"