Qiao Tianchang looked at the sky and said casually, "maybe soon."

Ningmengyao's lips raised a faint smile: "I'm looking forward to it."

"Well." Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a smile. If it's not that their voices haven't changed much, I'm afraid song Rui can't recognize the two people who are fighting against him when standing in front of them.

Ningmengyao and his wife are not worried. They drive the carriage slowly towards the next town.

After dark, Qiao Tianchang heard the carriage on the side of a small river. Then he went to pick up some firewood and made a fire. He took out the food and cooked some food.

Ning Mengyao asked Qiao Tianchang to make some easy to digest food for the child.

Carrying porridge to feed some children, Ning Mengyao looked at the sleeping child lying in bed, eyes full of helpless color.

What's the matter with the child who still hasn't woke up? Is he unwilling to wake up?

Thinking of this possibility, Ning Mengyao is full of black thread. Do you want them to take this child with them all the time? It's not convenient at all.

As soon as Ning Mengyao thought about it, a voice came from the outside. A vicious smile came from the corner of his mouth. Ning Mengyao lifted the curtain and went out.

Looking at the bodyguard who has surrounded them, his eyes are full of doubts: "what happened to Xianggong? Who are they? " Ningmengyao pretended to be confused and looked at the people around her, frowning slightly, as if she was very dissatisfied with their arrival.

Ning Mengyao's cross-talk made Qiao Tianchang's eyes dim a little: "I don't know."

The head of the group, looking at them, suddenly, they are not sure. Are these two the husband and wife that the head of the family said? But it doesn't look very similar to them.

"I'd like to invite you to come with us." The leader, unable to figure out their identities, could only say politely.

Ningmengyao looked at them displeased: "our daughter is seriously ill. She is going to take her to the doctor and delay my daughter's life. Who will compensate?"

Qiao Tianchang's eyelids jump. Do they have a daughter? Why doesn't he know? But my daughter

The eyes flickered slightly. Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao like a wolf.

He suddenly thought it would be nice to have another daughter.

Seeing Qiao Tianchang's appearance, Ning Mengyao knew what the guy was thinking. She glared at each other fiercely. Then she looked at the guards who were hesitant. "We are going to leave soon. When we meet, we will let your master come by himself."

"You are bold Do you know who is the head of our family? "

"I don't care who he is. I can't delay my daughter's illness." Ning Mengyao looks at the people in front of her with cold eyes.

Qiao Tianchang went to Ning Mengyao's side and stood with her side by side: "what the lady said is if you want to see us."


"Let's pack up and leave when we have finished eating, it's also our negligence this time, which makes our daughter be treated like this." Said Ning Mengyao face is very sad, eyes even with a little tears.

If you didn't know that Ning Mengyao was acting, Qiao Tianchang would really think that there was such a thing.

He reached out and patted Ning Mengyao on the shoulder. Qiao Tianchang frowned and nodded: "OK."

Qiao Tianchang went to the edge of the fire and turned over the prey on it. He didn't pay attention to them at all.

See two people to ignore them, even a little worry, they can't help but wonder, they find the wrong person?

The leader frowned and looked at the man beside him. The man nodded and left quickly. Seeing this scene, Ning Mengyao didn't care.

"It smells good." Ningmengyao was not very hungry, but after smelling the smell, her stomach seemed to be a little hungry.

Qiao Tianchang, with a doting smile on his lips, reached out and rubbed Ning Mengyao's head: "it will be ready soon. Go and get a plate."

Ningmengyao hurriedly got up and went to the back of the carriage. When she came out again, she took two very delicate plates with a knife on them.