Qiao Tianchang took the roast chicken, cut the meat piece by piece with a knife, and put it on one of the dishes neatly. Then he took it to Ning Mengyao: "eat it quickly."

"Thank you, my husband." Said in Joe Tianchang's face kissed, took the dish to eat.

The bodyguard's eyes are full of saliva. They haven't smelt the delicious barbecue yet. It's really fascinating.

The first man saw his greedy appearance, and his eyelids kept jumping. Are these guys coming to shame him?

After the two finished eating, Qiao Tianchang packed his things and went to the river to fetch water to put out the fire. Then he went to the carriage: "let's go, lady."

"Well, the child seems to be on fire again." Ning Mengyao touched the child's forehead, and his face was worried.

Qiao Tianchang's eyes are cold, it seems true.

"Sit down, let's go." Qiao Tianchang asks Ning Mengyao to sit well and drive outside.

"I'm afraid you can't leave." The leader stopped in front of the carriage, which meant that they were not allowed to leave.

Qiao Tianchang's face turned cold: "roll."

"Our family leader will be here soon. Please wait a moment. Make sure that they are not the people we are looking for, and let you leave." One of them said coldly.

Ningmengyao had a playful mind, but after the child's temperature got higher and higher, her face turned ugly.


"Look after the children. Let's go." Qiao Tianchang is in the same mood as Ning Mengyao.

He wants to see how these things can stop them.

The leader's face suddenly changed when he saw that Qiao Tianchang wanted to drive the carriage to the front.


"Frame." Qiao Tianchang's whip was on the horse.

The horse in front neighs and rushes forward with its hooves.

The man in front of him didn't expect Joe Tianchang to say he was coming, so he came.

When he wanted to dodge, the leader flew up and kicked him in the direction of the carriage.

His goal is to gallop the horse. Qiao Tianchang's eyes turn cold. If the horse is really kicked over, even Ning Mengyao and Shanger will have an accident at last. This is not what he wants to see.

When the other side's foot was about to kick on the horse, Qiao Tianchang threw the whip in his hand towards him, and the short whip just caught the man's foot.

With the strength of his hands, he was thrown straight out and hit a big tree on one side.

Seeing this scene, everyone swallows their saliva. Is this man too powerful?

Qiao Tianchang looked at the man who got up from the ground: "go away."

"Stop them." The leader understood that this man's martial arts are very high. All of them are not his rivals. They just think of the head of the family and can only give orders.

Joe Tianchang saw that these people had no eyesight and did not leave their hands at present. The place where the whip passed in their hands would leave a trail of blood.

When the two sides could not stand still, there was a horse's hoof in the distance. At last, the leader was relieved.

Soon the sound of the horse's hooves got closer and closer, and finally stopped Joe Tianchang in front of them.

Qiao Tianchang stopped the carriage and took a look at the Song family leader on the horse: "is that you want to see us? I don't know what that means. "

The head of the Song family frowns. How is this man?

"What are you doing in the city today?" The head of the Song family looks at Qiao Tianchang and her husband as if they are interrogating prisoners.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the Song family leader indifferently: "how does Miao Jiang stop talking now and others come here to do business? Or is Miao's attitude towards outsiders like this? Interrogate this young master? Who gives you courage? "

Qiao Tianchang's clothes are gorgeous, and the whole person is very powerful, which is to frighten the Song family leader.

But when he thought of his son, he said coldly, "my lord suspects that you hurt my son. I must see who is in the carriage."

Ning Mengyao in the carriage sneered, opened the curtain and came out. When the curtain opened, they saw two children in it. One of them was a older girl, with red face and dry lips. At first sight, she was seriously ill.

Isn't it just one child? Why two now?