"The head of the family is so powerful that he even talks to my wife like this." Ning Mengyao suddenly takes out something. When he sees it, the head of the Song family stares at it.

"Here How is this possible? "

Ningmengyao's hand is just a very common token, but there is a last word in the middle of that token.

What does this word mean? The head of the Song family is very clear.

Looking at the two people in front of him, the head of the Song family has some strange eyes. Do you think they have something to do with the end family?

Thinking of this possibility, the head of the Song family was a little worried. He offended the two people. They would not give themselves a good look. Thinking about it, the head of the Song family smiled: "it was the miss and the uncle who had not been home. Song did not know that the distinguished guests were coming. He invited them back to the Song family. Song treated them well."

The Song family leader's mind is very obvious. He wants to take them back to the Song family.

Ningmengyao looked at the head of the Song family and said, "let's go. Whoever dares to stop us will kill us."

"Well, listen to you."

Qiao Tianchang's whip rises high and falls heavily. The horse runs again. The Song family leader wants to stop him. Suddenly, he shoots several leaf shaped darts out of the carriage.

Seeing that dart, the leader of the Song family dare not go after it. There is a person who is good at making darts with leaves. That is miss WeiLuo. She has been away from miaojiang for a long time and hasn't come back. Unexpectedly, she was met by him.

He reached for his cut cheek and looked down at the blood on his hand. The head of the Song family was shocked. Fortunately, miss WeiLuo didn't kill her, or it would be over.

Looking at Ning Mengyao and their departure, the Song family leader was greatly relieved.

"Who is the owner?"

"You shouldn't ask more, don't ask. When you see them later, take a detour." Looking at those special leaves beside me, I think of Weijia's evaluation of WeiLuo miss. That's the most outstanding genius outside the last generation.

He dares to fight miss WeiLuo, which is undoubtedly to seek death.

Even if her daughter is the princess of Miao, she can't protect the Song family.

Qiao Tianchang was surprised to see the Song family leader standing in the same place without pursuing: "what did you do, Yao Yao? Why didn't he chase? "

I was angry just now, but suddenly I changed my appearance. It's amazing.

"I just borrowed a weapon from a younger generation of Grandpa's family." He said that he gave Qiao Tianchang a leaf in his hand.

Qiao Tianchang took it and put it in the palm of his hand and looked at it carefully. There was a difference in his eyes. The leaves looked very special.

"Blame grandpa for teaching you?"

"Well, Grandpa said that he has no family and is alone, but I don't think so. Although grandpa's first name is last, and that person's last name is not, I think there is a great relationship between them. Especially when Grandpa said that the girl who is still called, the eyes in his eyes can't deceive people, which must have a great relationship with him." When I thought of blaming my grandfather for teaching her, I was a little spoiled with expression and words.

Qiao Tianchang takes the leaf to Ning Mengyao: "in fact, this is also very good."


Blame grandpa's mind he can understand some, just worry about his hurt and grievance.

They drove away, and when they got to the nearby town, the child who had been feverish gradually dropped the temperature.

Ning Mengyao reached out and touched the child's forehead. His eyes were full of worry. If the child continues like this, something will happen.

"Tianchang is not in a good condition." Ning Mengyao has no choice.

She has fed him several pills prepared by Qingshuang, but it seems that Xiaoguo is not very big. The child seems to have given up the hope of life.

Qiao Tianchang also had a headache: "let's find a place to live, and then go to the doctor to show him."

"It's the only way now." Ning Mengyao nods helplessly.

They found a tavern to live in, and asked the second child to find the best doctor in the city for them, so they went upstairs to scrub the children.

Qiao moshang is sleeping at that time. Now he is tossed by Ning Mengyao and doesn't wake up.

"Yao Yao, you don't have to worry about war." Qiao Tianchang looked at his mouth, as if he was going to cry. He couldn't help but say.

"It's uncomfortable to sleep like this." Ningmengyao didn't want to toss the little monkey.