It's just that the little monkey has to take a bath every day since he was little. Even if it's cold, he will wipe his body with hot water, so that he can sleep comfortably. If he doesn't scrub it, he will surely sleep uneasily.

"I'll see the child." Qiao Tianchang sees Ning Mengyao sitting at the bedside to coax the child to sleep. Qiao Tianchang goes to another bed and looks at the child with abnormal blush on his face.

Reaching out and touching the child's head, he found that the temperature was higher. He went out and asked the second child to take a jar of liquor. Before the doctor came, he used the liquor to cool the child physically.

It took a little half an hour for the temperature on the child to gradually drop.

Ning Mengyao, after Qiao moshang fell asleep, went to the bedside and looked at the child on the bed: "how is it?"

Joe Tianchang shook his head gently: "not very good."

Ning Mengyao frowned tightly and worried: "what should I do now?"

"Now we have to wait for the doctor to come and have a look. As for the final result, we can't make it clear.

Ning Mengyao's face was slightly stiff, and finally nodded helplessly: "that's the only way."

It was a good time again. The door of the room was finally knocked. Qiao Tianchang went to open the door of the shop. It was the waiter outside, followed by an old man with a dark face. He seemed to be a doctor.

"My guest, Doctor Chen is the best doctor in our city." The second child spoke in a hurry.

"Trouble." Then he threw one or two silver to the junior two as a reward.

"Dr. Chen, please." Qiao Tianchang's attitude is good, which makes Doctor Chen less angry.

When the doctor came in, Joe Tianchang closed the door and followed the doctor.

Doctor Chen gave the child pulse and then looked at the two men and said, "if it wasn't for the pills you gave him, he would have been dead for a long time. Now the fever has subsided, but he's a little frail and a little depressed. I'll prescribe some medicine for you and take one dose. If you wake up, you'll come to the hospital to change the pharmacy. If you don't wake up, you'll continue to take it." He began to write prescriptions with a pen and paper, which was very serious.

Holding the prescription, Qiao Tianchang looked at Ning Mengyao: "Yaoyao, you look at two children, I'll take the medicine."

"Well, you go quickly." Ning Mengyao nodded and signaled him to go.

Half an hour later, Qiao Tianchang came back with the medicine and asked the waiter to help boil the medicine. After feeding the child, they went to sleep.

The next morning, Joe Tianchang was woken up by his son.

The little foot kicks on his face, and his mouth is constantly gnawing on his body. It's still wet and dada. You don't need to see what he looks like.

Can't help but to drag people to their arms, hand pinched the tip of his small nose: "you bad boy."

"Dad..." Qiao moshang saw his father wake up, his eyes were bright, his hands were shaking, and he was very happy. Qiao Tianchang didn't sleep either. He got up with the child and played with him for a while before he got dressed and washed his face.

After all, take him to see the child in the next bed.

He seems to be more interested in the big boy in bed, pointing at him and shouting.

"Well, don't disturb my brother to sleep." Qiao Tianchang reached out his hand and pinched the cheek of his son, saying five years later.

When Qiao Tianchang is going to take Qiao moshang to find Ning Mengyao, the door opens from the outside, and Ning Mengyao comes in with the meal, and there is a bowl of medicine juice on the tray.

Qiao Tianchang went over: "how did you wake up so early?"

"Wake up and get up. Come and eat. I'll give the baby medicine." Let father and son eat first. Ning Mengyao goes to sit by the bed and feeds the child medicine.

For two days the child did not move at all until the third morning, when Joe Tianchang was washing, he put the child on the child's bed.

I don't know if it's because Qiao moshang is quarreling on the edge, always pulling his hair. When Qiao Tianchang is busy and goes to hug Qiao moshang, he sees the child's eyes quiver slightly.

In Qiao Tianchang's eyes, the child opened his eyes, a pair of clean big eyes, looking at Qiao Tianchang: "who are you? Who am I? "