The ruffian man who fell on the ground, his body stiff, didn't seem to think that Qiao Tianchang would say such a thing.

"Are you wondering why I know? Your performance is too fake. How can a person who can hide his own breath to this extent People who look uncomfortable? " At the first sight of this man, Joe Tianchang also felt that he had made a mistake.

But later, his eyes made him firmly believe that he was not mistaken. This man was really watching them, and there was more than one person.

This man wants to hold him back, and then give the other party time to escape, and he will follow his will, just let the secret people find and catch the one who has already escaped.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and the obscene middle-aged man on the ground. At last, she is speechless. She judges people by their looks.

"What are you going to do with this man?"

"When the frost comes, give him something good." Qiao Tianchang is no longer interested in interrogating these people. Instead, he is more interested in what Qingshuang and Nanyu have researched.

Ningmengyao's eyelids leaped and she looked at the people on the ground sympathetically.

Half an hour later, Qingshuang came in with a cold face. Seeing the man on the ground who couldn't move, he felt a little strange: "is this my uncle?"

"This person has been handed over to you. You can play whatever you like. I just need to know what we want." Said Joe Tianchang.

The action in Qingshuang's hand made him look at the people on the ground, and his eyes were full of disgust.

This man is too long to make people think of that. It's really poisoning her eyes.

"My uncle is too ugly." Qingshuang is very disgusted.

"It's easy."

Qingshuang blinked and circled around the man. The hostile look made the people on the ground shiver.

"I'll be busy first, uncle." Then he dragged people outside.

Hearing the heavy impact, Ning Mengyao's eyelids leaped, and he took a look at Qiao Tianchang with complaint: "after getting married to Nanyu, I found that Qingshuang is more and more violent."

The former Qingshuang didn't make such a move. Now it's so good that she dragged people out directly.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched his nose. He wanted to say how much it had to do with him.

"You have to look for Nanyu." Qiao Tianchang's face has nothing to do with me, which makes Ning Mengyao white his eyes.

In the house they bought temporarily, Qingshuang squatted down to look at the man on the ground. To be exact, he should look at his face.

"Yirong Why I didn't see it. " Blue frost whispered.

She still knows something about Yi Rong. After seeing Ning Mengyao's make-up technique, she felt that it was impossible to use auxiliary tools to change her face.

But the face of this man in front of me didn't find any trace of change of countenance. Does it mean that he is the same as the young lady?

No, that's something only a young lady can do.

When Nan Yu came in, he saw his daughter-in-law squatting on the ground, looking at a man with a dirty face, and could not help frowning.

"What are you looking at?"

"Nanyu said that his face had changed, but I didn't see it." Qingshuang looks at Nanyu and asks. His eyes are so sad, as if he has been wronged.

Nanyu reached for his hand and touched the head of the people around him. He said with a light smile, "fool, it's easy to use the insect, and ordinary people can't see it."

Qingshuang said nothing: "but I can see it."

"Well, now there's something important to do." Nanyu hurriedly shifts the topic and doesn't want to continue to entangle in this topic.

Qingshuang takes out a pill and puts it into the mouth of the man who is already dead.

The man's expression was distorted in a short time. If it wasn't for him to move now, I'm afraid he would have been rolling all over the place.

Torture, for the first time, men know how painful it is to live.

"Tell us what you know. How about I let you die?" The voice of Qingshuang is bewitching.