The other side probably can't bear this kind of pain. He keeps looking at Qingshuang.

Nan Yu solved the man's acupoints and gave him an antidote to suppress the toxin.

Qingshuang and Qingshuang listened to this man's words quietly, their brows were slightly wrinkled. It seems that what the man said before was true.

Another person, two people have also interrogated, what he knows is insignificant compared with this man, besides what that person knows, he also knows a lot of things.

"That's all I know." The man gasps at two people, at the moment the only idea is to die.

Qingshuang did not continue to toss him, but gave him a deadly poison.

"Let's go to the eldest brother and sister-in-law." Nanyu quietly watched Qingshuang turn the body into blood, and then opened his mouth.


"Miss, the grand master already knows what we are doing here." Qingshuang frowns with worry between his eyebrows.

Qiao Tianchang held his son, pondered for a moment and said, "if he didn't know this, it would be trouble."

"What do you mean, my uncle, is that all the things we have done in this period of time are under their surveillance?" If that's the case, isn't it all in vain that they have done so many things?

"No, he only knows that we are here, but he doesn't know how many people are here or where they are. If it wasn't for the Song family that attracted other people's attention this time, he doesn't necessarily know that we are now in Miao area." Before Qiao Tianchang spoke, Ning Mengyao said definitely.

There is a basis for her to say this. If he had known it in the morning, they would have had spies around them, but they did not.

The existence of these two people was after the Song family found them again. Maybe the existence of the little monkey caused the other side's idea, so once, the other side sent two people.

The purpose is to see if they are really here?

"Yao Yao is right. They should only know that we have come from the Song family, but they don't know the specific number and what we have done." Ning Mengyao's make-up means are there. It's easy for them to hide their shadows as long as they want, but now the key is two children, who have become the target characters.

Qiao Tianchang looked at the two children who couldn't wake up when they were talking so loudly on the bed and couldn't help shaking their heads.

"It seems to Yaoyao that we need to send the two children back." Qiao Tianchang said in a deep voice.

Ning Mengyao frowned, "but I'm not sure."

"I don't feel at ease either, or I can only stay in the house, or we will be found everywhere we go, and we will walk around with two children. The goal is too big."

Qingshuang looked at Qiao Tianchang and his eyes wandered around for a while. Then he brightened up: "my uncle, do you think we can do this? I'm going to play around with you and miss Nan Yu. I'm going to take you and young master with me. I'm going to take one or two people with me. Then you leave in disguise."

Ning Mengyao thought, nodded and agreed: "OK."

Qiao Tianchang looks at Qingshuang, but unexpectedly she can say such a thing.

Green frost black line of looking at Qiao Tianchang: "Uncle you that is what eyes?"

"Praise your eyes." Qiao Tianchang said solemnly.

Qingshuang gave Qiao Tianchang a white look and didn't believe him at all.

After the discussion, Qingshuang and Nanyu will go out to make preparations. They still have a few days, which is enough.

Ning Mengyao sat beside the bed, looking at the two children on the bed, then looking at Qiao Tianchang: "I hope everything goes well."

"Don't worry, we won't make such a decision if we can't keep them by our side." He didn't get along with his son for a long time. He wanted to separate again. He didn't know how long it was. Of course, he couldn't bear it.


Another hour later, Jomo Shang opened his eyes, two little hands childishly rubbed his own eyes, and at the same time, he yawned a little. It seemed that he was not awake yet, and some of them were faint.

He reached out his hand and held his son in his arms. He nodded and hit his head: "it's a sleepy little guy."