Qiao Tianchang stood and watched his wife and son interact with each other, with a warm smile on his face, but he hated the national teacher in miaojiang. If it wasn't for him, they would live in the villa now. As for running around?

"Dad..." Qiao Mo's black eyes, looking straight at Qiao Tianchang, shaking his small hands, which means to hug.

Ning Mengyao took a sad look at her son: "little monkey, you don't want your mother."

Qiao moshang doesn't understand what Ning Mengyao is talking about. Looking at her innocently, her mouth is still drooling.

Seeing his appearance, Ning Mengyao could not help turning her head.

Look at it again, she really wants to bite her son hard.

Qiao Tianchang holds her son from Ning Mengyao's arms, with a light smile on his face: "you, be careful for a while, my mother is angry."

Ningmengyao just wanted to speak, Qiao mofeng also opened his eyes, eyes also with just wake up confused.

"Father and mother."


Qiao Tianchang looks at Qiao mofeng, who just woke up, and puts the child in Ning Mengyao's arms: "Yaoyao, you take Shanger out for a while, I'll talk to Fenger."

Ningmengyao naturally knows what Qiao Tianchang wants to say, so she nods and agrees.

After waiting for Ning Mengyao to leave, Qiao Tianchang tells Qiao mofeng that their husband and wife will leave for a period of time, so that he and his brother will follow Qingshuang and Nanyu.

Joe Mo Feng's eyes flashed a little flustered and scared, but he still insisted: "when will you come back, dad?"

"I'll come back when I've finished. Aunt Qingshuang and uncle Nanyu are the people my parents trust the most. They won't hurt you. You should obey them and take good care of your younger brother, OK? I'll take you home after my parents have finished their work, and then my father will teach you how to practice martial arts, OK? " Qiao Tianchang looks at the fear in the child's eyes, but also has some helplessness.

Although the child has forgotten everything, he still remembers the feeling in his bones.

Joe mofeng nodded in silence: "I will take care of my brother."

"Take care of yourself, too." Then Qiao Tianchang took out a purse from his sleeve. There was a regular red line on it. He said that the purse was tied around his neck: "there are some silver tickets in it. You can keep them. Don't tell others. If there is any accident, you must take good care of yourself. Do you have a younger brother?"

Qiao Tianchang doesn't want to be so alarmist, but it's better to be prepared for some things, and it's also to let Qiao mofeng know that he left his younger brother in his care.

Joe mofeng reached out and touched the purse in his collar and nodded solemnly: "don't worry, Dad, my brother and I will follow aunt Qingshuang and wait for you to come back together."

"That's lovely."

Since their whereabouts have been exposed, Qiao Tianchang and Ning Mengyao returned to the house with their two children, and also told those people generously that they are now in this place.

On the fifth day after they moved into the house, Ning Mengyao's people from tongbaozhaidiao had come.

"Xiao Yao'er is coming to hug her brother. He wants to die." With that, a white figure came to Ning Mengyao.

If it wasn't for Joe Tianchang to pull people away, he would have been hugged.

"Brother Bai, I'm holding the baby in my arms." Ning Mengyao can't help but look at the man who will perform in such a place every time she meets. She can't help but have a headache.

The white dress looked at the small bun in Ning Mengyao's arms, and her eyes brightened: "lovely child, I like it."

Qiao Tianchang takes the child away, takes Qiao mofeng in, and leaves the space for several people.

"Is this your man? He seems to be very dissatisfied with us. " The white clothes glared at Qiao Tianchang's back and gave him ophthalmic medicine in front of Ning Mengyao.

Ning Mengyao helplessly looked at the white clothes: "it's time for the little monkey to eat. He just wanted to go in and feed the baby. And you almost fell on me just now. Of course, he won't give you a face." Qiao Tianchang's possessiveness surprised her.

When white came, she thought the man would kick him out.