Red tassel nodded to wake people up.

When people on the ground opened their eyes, they found that they were in a strange place. They immediately worried, "who are you?"

"The one who wants your life." Said the red tassel in a cold voice.

When the man was about to say something, the indifferent expression of Hongying changed in a moment. It became extremely gentle. Not only that, but also the words he uttered. The voice was full of demagogues.

Soon the man looked at the front in confusion. Ning Mengyao asked several questions on the side. After getting the answer, he frowned.

It seems that my father is really in this place, stretching out his hand and rubbing his eyebrows and heart. These people already know what they are going to do. I'm afraid that the stone chamber he said is full of mechanisms.

Although I have known for a long time that this trip will definitely not be so easy to save people back, I did not expect such trouble.

Red tassel see Ning Mengyao frown: "have news is good news."

"I know. I'm just thinking about how to get in without being noticed." Ningmengyao frowned, very entangled said.

Hongying points to the hypnotized man with a smile: "it's not easy, let this man take us in."

Ningmengyao looks at Hongying in a daze. Seeing that she doesn't seem to be joking, she seriously thinks about the possibility.

"Don't worry, it will be OK."

Later, Hongying took away the man. It took a day to modify the man's memory with hypnotism, but it was only a subconscious memory.

"Get ready. We may be passing."

Ning Mengyao nodded seriously and asked them to come with her.

The next day, the hypnotized man took them to the house.

Ning Mengyao kept his head down and pretended to be afraid, but his eyes were moving around and looking around.

Qiao Tianchang quietly patted Ning Mengyao's hand and motioned to her not to worry, so they went in together.

"Why are you back so early today, my lord?" Didn't it always take dark to come back? How can I walk like that today? The gatekeeper is curious.

"Nonsense, of course, those beauties must come back soon. Isn't there any problem here?"

If Ning Mengyao doesn't like these people, her eyebrows will wrinkle immediately.

"Don't worry, my Lord. We are all following the plan. Nothing will happen."

"Well, that's good. Take care of people."


After seeing them leave, the gatekeeper gave a poo, and his eyes were full of disdain: "what are you proud of? Did you get a good job earlier than us? What's so arrogant? "

"Well, his martial arts are very good. Don't make trouble." The man beside heard him muttering, frowning.

"I see. Are you bored?"

The man didn't bother to pay attention to him. He didn't speak much when he stood at the door.

After Ning Mengyao and them went in, Hongying suddenly said, "take us to the stone room."

The man took them to a small house and helped them open the tunnel.

When they had no time to explore the red tassel, the hypnotized man suddenly woke up and was just about to start, was found to be the same Qiao Tianchang to kill directly.

Hongying patted her chest with lingering fear. This man's will is really firm.

The black dress looked at the red tassel and said, "I have received professional training."

"I see."

"Well, let's go in, and then we'll have to be careful ourselves." Qiao Tianchang interrupted the conversation between the two and went on step by step. Behind him was Ning Mengyao.

When they walked in carefully, the secret door suddenly closed.

It's dark all around. Ning Mengyao is not used to the sudden darkness. After closing her eyes for a while, she can see some of it, though she still can't really see it.

In the whole secret way, Ning Mengyao only heard their footsteps and breathing, which made her a little overwhelmed.

"Yao Yao don't worry."