Qiao Tianchang seems to feel that the mood fluctuation of ningmengyao is a little big, so he quickly begins to appease.

Ning Mengyao nodded and frowned: "I know."

A group of people walked carefully toward the inside, Ning Mengyao's hand accidentally touched something on the edge, and then heard the sound of wheezing.

"Be careful." Qiao Tianchang turns around and holds Ning Mengyao to dodge the arrow rain that is flying towards them.

Under Qiao Tianchang's warning, Hongying did not have any damage, just went on, they were alert.

This secret road seems to be very deep. I haven't heard any sound after walking for so long.

Ningmengyao suddenly stopped: "wait a minute, listen to it. Is there any strange sound?"

Close your eyes and listen to the quieter secret path that they stop.

"Yes, but it sounds like something rubbing on the ground." Qiao Tianchang said with some uncertainty.

"Yes, it does, but it seems to be far away, and it seems to be nearby." The black clothes closed their eyes, opened them after a while, looked at them and frowned.

"Let's keep going."

After the mysterious voice, Qiao Tianchang's people went inside again, but they would stop at every distance to hear if the voice was still there.

In the dark, Ning Mengyao suddenly shivered: "Tianchang, I seem to hear the scream."

"Well, it does. It's inside. Let's go." Qiao Tianchang nodded, and he heard the voice, but he was not afraid to live.

It is rather that Ning Mengyao seems to be a little uncomfortable with this feeling, and her mood fluctuates a little bit.

"Tianchang, I'm worried." What if dad is treated like this?

She's really worried about her father.

Qiao Tianchang turns around and holds the man in his arms: "there is Qingshuang, nothing will happen." No matter what happened to Nangong Yan, as long as people are still there, nothing will happen.

Ningmengyao smiled bitterly and nodded. Now they really only have this little expectation.

Red tassel lowered his voice: "I'm afraid that they've spent so much time bringing uncle here. It's not going to do anything to uncle."

This place will drive people crazy. It seems to be very good.

"Let's go." Ningmengyao is a little embarrassed. They are looking for people. How can they make them defend themselves?

They started to walk forward again, but this time they were not very lucky. Qiao Tianchang stepped on an empty place, and a deep hole appeared on the ground immediately. Ning Mengyao reached out to catch Qiao Tianchang when he fell down, but was dragged down by him at last.

By the time Hongying asked for help, they had disappeared in front of them, and the hole was sealed.

"Damn it." White clothes low curse, what the hell is this.

"Go to Yao'er's father first." They still know the Regent of the mausoleum, and naturally they will not admit the wrong person.

Although the heart of white hate not, but he agreed with the words of black.

The longer you stay in this place, the more dangerous it is. And Xiaoyao will give it to them. Of course, they should do it well.

Ning Mengyao holds Qiao Tianchang's hand tightly, but changes into the whirring wind when he falls. Qiao Tianchang holds people in his hand, and constantly calculates where they are going to fall.

"How deep is Tianchang's cave?" It's been a long time, but it hasn't slipped to the end, which makes ningmengyao speechless.

"I don't know. I'll bear it."

After a long time, Qiao Tianchang fell to the ground first, and Ning Mengyao pressed on him.

The sudden dazzling light makes Ning Mengyao close her eyes a little bit unadaptable.

When she opened her eyes and saw everything in it, the whole person opened their eyes.

It's a large stone room full of gold, silver, jewelry and many good things.

"Tianchang here It's not the place where the national teachers hide their treasures, is it? " Ning Mengyao asked with some uncertainty.

"Possible." Qiao Tianchang looked around and found that the things in it were indeed treasures, better than those in Xiao Qifeng's treasury.