Ning Mengyao rubbed her chin with one hand and said, "what a pity if we could move all the things here?"

There are probably more things here than there are treasures in Xiao Qifeng's treasury.

Qiao Tianchang reached out and touched Ning Mengyao's head: "there will be a chance."

Ning Mengyao looked around and saw a soft sword among the weapons.

"This sword is beautiful."

"Snow falling sword, I didn't expect to be here." Qiao Tianchang is also very surprised. It's a bit surprising that the third place in the Jianghu is xueluo.

"Tianchang, you know?" Ning Mengyao turns to look at Qiao Tianchang, and asks in some unexpected ways.

Qiao Tianchang smiled and nodded: "I do know that xueluo is a sword suitable for women, ranking third in the Jianghu, but its power is actually the first, but many people can't play its power, so the ranking dropped to the third."

"I like it."

"Then take it." Qiao Tianchang is not embarrassed at all. Since he has come here already, it seems that he is sorry for them if he doesn't take anything away.

Ningmengyao nodded and went to pick up the snow. The strength in her hand was very light, as if she had nothing in her hand.

"How could there be such a light sword." Ning Mengyao said in surprise.

"This is the first characteristic of snow falling. It's as light as a feather. It's just because of this that people who get it may not be able to control it well." Qiao Tianchang smiled and looked at Ning Mengyao's surprised face, then added: "what's more, it's useless to have snow falling sword without sword spectrum."

"Let's find out if the sword manual is here." Ning Mengyao said excitedly.

Now they don't know where to get out. Let's find something that interests her first.

"How could it be so clever?" It's not bad to get snow falling sword. How can we even have sword spectrum?

However, it didn't take long for Qiao Tianchang to be shocked, because Ning Mengyao was holding a sword manual, and the sword painted on it was snow falling sword.

The corner of the mouth slightly twitches for a while. Is Yao Yao's personality too good?

"I found it." Ning Mengyao said excitedly.

See her so exuberant Qiao Tianchang smile shake head: "you go to one side to see, I look for exit."

It's a big place, but you can see it clearly at a glance. I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome to find an exit.

Ning Mengyao thought about it and shook her head: "I'll find it with you."

The two work together, looking for a circle also did not find the export alive is the organ.

Ning Mengyao sat on the ground frustrated and looked at Qiao Tianchang gloomily: "what if Tianchang can't find it?"

"It's OK. Think about what we've overlooked." Qiao Tianchang is also a little strange. This place seems to be an independent space, but he doesn't believe there is no exit or mechanism.

If not, how do these things come in?

"I can't find the exit now. Look at the sword manual first."

"Well then."

Ningmengyao looked down and was fascinated for a long time. Qiao Tianchang saw this, got up quietly and walked up, looking for any suspicious place.

Another round, those even put things in the drop are found, but still no clue.

Qiao Tianchang stood opposite ningmengyao, watching her sitting cross legged on the ground and watching the sword spectrum, while xueluo sword was placed on the side.

Suddenly Qiao Tianchang seemed to see something. He went to Ning Mengyao's side and looked up at the light reflected from the snow falling sword on the stone chamber.

There seems to be something on that bright light.

Joe Tianchang looked around. He didn't see ladders or the like. He could only carry the boxes that contained things to him and fly to stand up.

Looking up at the line of small words above the stone room, a faint smile was raised at the corner of the mouth, and finally it was found.

Joe flew down and put the box back in the distance.

Sit beside Ning Mengyao and watch her watch the sword manual.

What Qiao Tianchang has done, Ning Mengyao doesn't know. She is now addicted to the sword manual. Now she understands why no one can fully exert the power of snow falling sword.