Qiao Tianchang sat on the edge and watched Ning Mengyao carefully look at the sword spectrum. When she saw it to a certain extent, she actually took the snow falling sword and waved it.

The snow falling sword seemed to have no weight in her hands, and even did not affect any of her movements.

Squinting at all the movements of Ning Mengyao, Qiao Tianchang's eyes are obviously thoughtful. It seems that this snow falling sword is prepared for her.

When Ning Mengyao fell to the ground with a sword, Qiao Tianchang's eyes were light with a smile: "how do you feel?"

"Very good. Tianchang I really like this sword." Ning Mengyao's eyes brightened to see Qiao Tianchang, which made Qiao Tianchang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"In that case, it's time for us to go out." Qiao Tianchang said suddenly when ningmengyao was overjoyed.

Ning Mengyao was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Qiao Tianchang, with obvious doubts in his eyes: "do you know how to get out?"

"Well, I know, but I need you to do it." Qiao Tianchang smiled at Ning Mengyao and said.

"What do you mean?" said Ning Mengyao

"Snow falling sword is needed to open the stone chamber door."

Ningmengyao is even more confused. He looks at Qiao Tianchang blankly: "Tianchang I still don't understand why this place needs snow falling sword to open."

Qiao Tianchang explained to Ning Mengyao in a low voice and said with a smile, "maybe even the owner of this place doesn't know there is such a stone room full of treasures."

Ningmengyao's eyes suddenly brightened up. Looking at Qiao Tianchang's eyes called excitement and Expectation: "Tianchang you mean that these things are ownerless? Then can I find a way to move all the things here? "

"You can say that." Qiao Tianchang nods.

Ning Mengyao smiles excitedly. Although she doesn't know how much money she has now, no one will think that she has too much money, right? What's more, she doesn't have many things here.

"Well, now is not the time to talk about this. What we have to do now is to leave here first. As for the things here, let's talk about them later."

"Well then."

According to Qiao Tianchang, the snow falling sword in ningmengyao's hand suddenly seems to have changed. It breaks away from ningmengyao's hand and is heavily inserted in a very humble place behind.

Ningmengyao and his wife came to the place and looked at it curiously. They were full of doubts: "is there anything different in this place?"

Subconsciously reaching for the snow falling sword on the wall, I just pulled out the snow falling sword, and saw the place where the sword was, slowly appeared a door.

Looking at the stairs leading to the ground, Ning Mengyao's eyelids jumped: "how many secret rooms are there?"

"I don't know. Let's go." Qiao Tianchang walked in front, carefully holding Ning Mengyao's hand, looking at everything from time to time vigilantly.

After walking for a while, Qiao Tianchang suddenly stopped: "Yao Yao, do you hear the voice?"

Ningmengyao listened attentively, then nodded: "yes, it seems to be a little familiar, Tianchang we go to the place where the voice is made."

Because of the sudden voice, the two deliberately lightened their steps, even breathing also changed if there is nothing.

The two men quietly walked towards the place where the voice was made, but after a while, the voice suddenly disappeared.

Ning Mengyao raised her head doubtfully: "can't we have just heard wrong? But I'm sure I heard it somewhere. "

She can be sure that she has heard the voice, but the number of times she has heard it is not so many, so she is not so familiar with the voice, or even strange.

It's only possible for him to feel this way. She won't hear too much from this person.

"White ink." Joe Tianchang suddenly said a name.

Ning Mengyao was stunned. Then he thought of the voice he heard. Compared with the voice of white ink in his brain, his face suddenly changed: "it's really like the voice of white ink."