"Don't get excited. Let's go and have a look." Qiao Tianchang knows the meaning of ningmengyao. If the disappearance of nangongyan has nothing to do with Baimo, then the current Baimo is likely to be locked up like nangongyan. If so, nangongyan must be not far away from them.

Ning Mengyao pressed down the excitement in her heart and walked beside Qiao Tianchang. The more she walked inside, the faster her heart would jump, as if there was something in it that attracted her.

"Tianchang we......"

"Shh, don't talk. Someone's coming." Qiao Tianchang suddenly covers Ning Mengyao's mouth, grabs her and dodges to the side.

I just waited for a while, but I didn't wait for the so-called comer. Instead, I could not hold back Ning Mengyao.

"Tianchang, are you mistaken?" Asked Ning Mengyao, frowning.

Joe Tianchang shook his head. "No."


"There may be other secret ways in this place. Let's go." Joe Tianchang continues to lead people inside, and even speeds up a lot.

Ning Mengyao looks at Qiao Tianchang and wants to say something, but sees his serious appearance and closes his mouth again.

They don't know how long they have been walking in this secret Road, and they haven't met anything. No matter the mechanism or other things, it seems that they have been so calm since they came out of the stone chamber. What's more, they don't know how long the secret road is.

"How deep is this place." Ning Mengyao murmured in a low voice.

"It should be coming soon. Don't worry." Qiao Tianchang also had some worries in his heart, but he thought that there was Ning Mengyao around him, so that his worries were all suppressed.

Ningmengyao is waiting for Qiao Tianchang with a discontented face. His face is full of unhappiness: "Tianchang......"

"Darling, we have to get out of this place as soon as possible." Although the air in this place is a little damp, it will not make people feel very stuffy. This is enough to show that there is a place for ventilation in this place. As for where we should continue to find it.

Ning Mengyao felt the tension in his hand and could not help frowning. What made his muscles tense like this.

"We don't know where we're going. Yao Yao must be careful. If there's something wrong, do you know to leave first?" Qiao Tianchang suddenly stopped and looked at Ning Mengyao seriously.


"This place is obviously an underground palace made by some people. Going out here may be an unexpected place for us, or it may go directly to other people's sites." It's said that, if Ning Mengyao doesn't know what Qiao Tianchang is worried about, she's really stupid.

"You can't leave me alone."

"Good." After a moment's silence, Qiao Tianchang nods difficultly,

with Qiao Tianchang's reminder, Ning Mengyao is obviously careful a lot in the next road.

When they reached the end of the secret Road, the disappeared voice suddenly appeared again, and it was the same as the voice of white ink.

Looking at Qiao Tianchang, Ning Mengyao listens to him without saying a word.

After listening to Xu jiuning, Mengyao looked up a little puzzled: "it seems that there is only white ink in Tianchang."

"And others." Joe shook his head.

Bai Mo's words were obviously meant for others, but why didn't the object of his speech want to take care of him? What's more, from what he said, we can hear that the other person either can't speak or can't wake up.

Qiao Tianchang's movements suddenly flashed in his eyes.

Such a situation reminds him of a person, only that person can be such a state.

Ning Mengyao, who was listening to Bai Mo's words carefully, didn't notice Qiao Tianchang's difference at all. The more he listened to Ning Mengyao, the more confused he became: "Tianchang, do you say that dad was harmed by Bai Mo?"

After listening to the wall corner for such a long time, Ning Mengyao understood that Bai Mo had not been arrested at all, which can only explain one problem. The disappearance of nangongyan really has a lot to do with him.