Qiao Tianchang picks up and sees that Ning Mengyao is holding some fruits in her hand, which is a little confused.

"It's this little thing. It should be edible." He took one of them and took a bite. After eating one, Ning Mengyao's eyes brightened: "it's delicious. Tianchang, you can also eat one."

Joe Tianchang eats one in a row. It's really delicious.

Two people will eat fruit, eat grilled fish with small white dumplings on the inside.

But this time, Xiaobai Tuanzi occasionally asked them to dig that kind of grass, which made them very helpless, because if they did not dig, the little thing would not go.

After digging another grass, Ning Mengyao reached out and rubbed the white ball: "Tianchang, what do you think this will be?"

"It should be a fox." Qiao Tianchang looked for a while and came to a conclusion.

"Let's take it back. When the little monkey grows up, he can be his companion." Ning Mengyao looked at Qiao Tianchang and said with bright eyes.

Qiao Tianchang silently looks at the fox in Ning Mengyao's hand. Do you like it?

Qiao Tianchang's eyes made him feel embarrassed. Ning Mengyao felt his nose awkwardly and said, "I I like it, too. What's the matter, can't I? "

Qiao Tianchang's eyes flashed a strong smile, and he bent to play on Ning Mengyao's forehead: "take it back if you like."

This topic didn't exist for a long time, because the Fox began to struggle again.

Ning Mengyao looked at the fox with black lines and asked them to stop again. His little claws kept pointing at the grass on the ground, squeaking and screaming. The voice was rather rapid, like the humble grass in front of him, what kind of treasure it was.

Squatting down and looking at the grass on the ground, Ning Mengyao found that she really didn't know each other, so she said in some tangles, "what are you asking us to dig this for?"

Qiao Tianchang didn't have so many ideas. He just walked all the way and dug all the way. In fact, his face was pretty.

For most of the day, both of them spent time digging grass. Finally, the grass in their hands has been a lot. Ning Mengyao said helplessly, "what are you doing?"

Naturally, it is impossible for the fox to answer her, just to take them forward.

During the period, he passed the place where he picked fruit before.

"I want these fruits." Ning Mengyao looks up at the green and red fruit on the tree, but the red fruit makes her a little creepy.

As soon as ningmengyao's voice fell, the little fox came down from her shoulder and rushed to the fruit tree. At the same time, he picked all the green fruits from the tree.

Ning Mengyao's eyes were a little surprised: "can't those red fruits be eaten?"

"It should be." Otherwise, the fox will not directly avoid the red fruit, just want to throw the green fruit down.

Looking at a layer of fruit on the ground, Ning Mengyao hurriedly called out, "that's enough."

Little fox jumped down and fell on Ning Mengyao's shoulder. Don't mention how clever he was.

The two picked up some fruit from the ground and put it in a basket of vines made by ningmengyao to hold grass.

All the way to the inside, the vision gradually widened, yesterday heard the roar again, and this time the voice is very big, the roar with obvious anxiety and hurry, it seems that something is the same.

Little fox seemed to be worried when he heard the voice. He jumped off Ning Mengyao's shoulder and ran to the place where the voice was made.

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at each other and follow it.

Just in the past, I smelled the strong smell of blood, which made Ning Mengyao frown subconsciously.

After the smell of blood, it was thick learning to rot and asked. Looking up, there was a big cave in front of it. It was quite unexpected that there would be such a cave in such a low slope.

However, after seeing the scene inside, Ning Mengyao was stunned for a while, and then felt sick.

Only because in this cave, there are many rotten corpses, which, in terms of body shape, are some prey. In the middle of those corpses, there is a "man" who can't see clearly.