Seeing that both of them were outside, little fox was reluctant to come in. He kept squeaking. It seemed that he was worried about something. Seeing little fox like that, Ning Mengyao frowned.


In the past, Qiao Tianchang didn't really care about this smell. He was only with Ning Mengyao for such a long time, and how many of them had such a habit of cleanliness. When he saw the black creature, he could only call it a human being for a while. Qiao Tianchang's brain kept pumping.

"Yao Yao really wants to get people out?" Joe Tianchang looked at the people in the room and said with gnashing teeth.

Ning Mengyao nodded, "come out. I'm curious why Zhengren is here. What's the matter with the fox?"

Hear ningmengyao say so, Qiao Tianchang can only helplessly go in, intend to put people out.

Just when I met someone, he suddenly hissed and shouted. He raised his hand and grabbed Joe Tianchang.

If it wasn't for Joe's quick flash, I'm afraid his hands would be blurred.

When Ning Mengyao saw it, her face immediately became cold.

The little fox jumped on her shoulder, squeaking and screaming, with the meaning of praying in it.

Qiao Tianchang squints his eyes slightly, looks for an opportunity, knocks people dizzy, and then comes out with people, and throws people to the ground.

Ningmengyao covered her nose and looked at the man in front of her, wondering, "why is this man here? And that's what it looks like. "

It's hard to see how old he is and how messy his long hair looks. It seems that he hasn't cleaned it for a long time.

The little fox transferred to the ground, took out some grass in the basket with his mouth, and then looked at Ning Mengyao with a squeak, praying in his eyes.

Ning Mengyao suddenly understood that the fox let them dig these herbs for the savage.

The forehead son can't help but to smoke continuously, she suddenly wants to eat braised fox meat, don't know how it tastes.

Maybe her eyes were too frightening. The fox called out and expected AI to lie on the ground.

Reaching out and stroking her painful brow, how could she feel that the little fox was a human being? I even know how to pretend to be pitiful. It's really Let her not know what to say.

Qiao Tian thought about it. He took the herbs on the ground, smashed them, and thrust them into the savage's mouth.

"This little fox has a lot to do with this man. These things may be useful to him. Let's try them. If this man can wake up, it's not bad for us." Now they don't know how to get away from this place at all. Dead horse is a living horse doctor.

Ning Mengyao nods helplessly: "that's OK."

After feeding the savage a lot of grass, the comatose savage suddenly opened his eyes. The scarlet eyes made Ning Mengyao turn away, as if he didn't want to see those strange eyes.

The savage looks at the two and fiddles with their stiff bodies: "you Who is it? "

Qiao Tianchang was surprised to see the savage talking in front of him. His voice was hoarse and astringent, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

Ning Mengyao picked up her eyebrows and looked at each other: "who are you? Why are you here?"

The savage looked up at Ning Mengyao and said, "Miao Wang... "

Ning Mengyao and Qiao Tianchang look at this with surprised eyes Well, he is the king of Miao nationality, who is embarrassed and even dirty? Are you kidding me?

"You're not kidding, are you?" Asked Ning Mengyao subconsciously.


he hasn't spoken for a long time. Now he suddenly speaks, which is really a bit out of adjustment.

Ning Mengyao looked at him like that and couldn't help but say, "there's a river over there. Would you like to wash it?"

The body a stiff, then get up, stagger toward the river.

That way, let ningmengyao can't help but recall, will this person fall down in a moment?

Half an hour later, a clean middle-aged man came, but he had no extra clothes.