As soon as santalin's face changed, the cold light in his eyes became angry. How could he have fallen to this point?

After waking up, I saw two people, and their extraordinary bearing, so I wanted to take advantage of them. I wanted to take them to that place, and then make them become my own people. Who could have thought that they actually capsized in the gutter, but they were controlled by them.

It really depressed him.

Ning Mengyao looked at santalin's face and couldn't help laughing: "santalin, in fact, we really want to cooperate with you, but it's a pity."

Santalin's words really sound very true, but after listening, there are only two words in his heart, that is, hypocrisy.

Miao is the most mysterious country, especially the king of Miao has been peeping at everything outside, trying to make everything in Miao bigger, but now suddenly someone told them that Miao didn't peep at everything outside, Ning Mengyao thought it was impossible no matter how he thought.

"How do you know?" Santalin asked.

"When you brought us here."

With such a secret room, he has been able to go out for a long time. Why did he stay here for so many years? Even though he often loses consciousness, it is not a problem for him at all, because there is a little fox around him.

Santalin looked at the two people in astonishment, and his eyes were full of wonder. Did the two people say that they had already known it at first?

Looking at the dark secret Road, santalin frowned. It seems that this time he really used the wrong method to regard the two people as very harmless people.

After santalin, the two finally walked out of the secret room, but after they left the secret room, they were in a large house.

When I saw the three santalins, some people in the yard looked at them with alert eyes.

"Wang, who are the two of them?"

It's an extraordinary time. They can't let these two people break their plan.

Ningmengyao's lips raised a faint smile and his face was mocking: "santalin, your people are very good." It's just that these two words are ironic and disgusting.

Santaline reached out and touched his nose, smiled awkwardly, what else could he say?

Ning Mengyao threw a pill to santalin: "take it, it won't be all right, but we won't make you so uncomfortable after we leave."

Santalin looked at Ning Mengyao and silently took the pill. People on one side heard other meanings from Ning Mengyao's words.

"What did you give our king?"

Qiao Tianchang's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the arm pointing to Ning Mengyao, and his eyes flashed cold.

He reached for the arm and gave it a hard twist. All the people heard were the sound of clicking and screaming.

Ning Mengyao, as if she hadn't seen it, took out her pad and wiped Qiao Tianchang's hand: "actually, we don't like people pointing at us very much."

Santalin didn't have any extra expression on his face, but he was shocked. He knew that the abilities of these two people might be excellent, but he didn't expect that they were so powerful. Just now, how did this man do it? He didn't see it at all.

Qiao Tianchang took Ning Mengyao's hand and said lightly, "let's go Yaoyao."

"Well, I'm afraid they'll worry about missing so many days." Ning Mengyao touched her chin and smiled.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "well, let's go."

They didn't talk to santalin, but they turned around and left. That attitude made the people on the side very dissatisfied, but they didn't dare to say anything more because of their means.

Ningmengyao's husband and wife go into and out of this house as if it were no one's land.

After going out, Ning Mengyao felt dark with her eyes. She didn't know where it was.

"Let's ask someone how far away it is from that town." Qiao Tianchang didn't know this place very well, so they had to ask others.

After asking, I found that this place is not far from that town.

"In that case, let's go first and see if Dad can save it." This is what ningmengyao is worried about.

Qiao Tianchang nodded, "OK, let's go."